Harassment Or Play What Santa Cartel Babo Does With Yuya?

Harassment Or Play What Santa Cartel Babo Does With Yuya?

Once again the singer Babo of the group Cartel de Santa answers the post to the influencer Yuya from whom he has been waiting for an answer for 5 years

The name of the influencer Yuya is again in trend, we know that she is a very recognized young woman in social networks and as a businesswoman, she is again related to Babo of the Cartel de Santa group.

Although these two people seem polar opposites, for 5 years Babo from Cartel de Santa invited Yuya to the movies on Twitter but he never got a response, which is why they point out that he has become obsessed with her and even harasses her.

We know that for love there is no age, she with 27 years has caused the singer to keep her in mind daily, but is it harassment what Babo does with his actions towards Yuya? Or it is just part of a game.

Exactly in June 2015, Yuya put a comment on twitter where he said "It makes me sick when people do things in the slowest way possible" to which Babo replied "I do speak", the influencer responded with a couple of emojis.

Is Babo de Cartel de Santa harassment or gambling towards Yuya? Photo: Twitter

Then he sent the question to Yuya that he wants to invite her to the cinema, without an answer so far, he wondered on the same network why she did not accept and even the user wrote to the youtuber while the singer defended her.

I never forget it so much that in January 2028 he highlighted a comment posted on twitter where he invited two other women to go out, telling them "Now if we go to the movies or are they going to yuyear ???" immediately the fans began to point out that he was still a bit "fired up."

Although she does not write to her every day, he does like her photos and again begins to comment, for example last year she wrote these words below a photo that she uploaded on her Instagram account:

“But a selfie suddenly isn’t too bad either. How is your day going?" And he did not hesitate to put "Today I woke up happier than other days" and thus always refers to what she writes in her publications.

He is fond of uploading photos with his torso uncovered showing his turned body, he has shared images being in the shower and someone made him the comment that what was the shampoo he used and curiously he showed that of Yuya who has one in collaboration with Sedal.

Babo from Cartel de Santa, in love with Yuya? Instagram photo

And today he agrees that he does not remove his finger from the line, although Belinda has also been launched in networks, on Christmas day Yuya shared some images where he wrote "I’m going to make my life feel soft …" and by coincidence Babo Cartel de Santa put on instagram "She wanting to feel life soft and I wanting it to feel hard", is it harassment, gambling or her true love impossible?