Why Sagittarius Fail In Love

Why Sagittarius Fail In Love

People born under this sign love their freedom and fear commitment that is why they lose all opportunities to be happy AS A COUPLE

He is one of the most independent and adventurous signs of the zodiac, if there is something he loves, it is to live new experiences. But as it is free it is also very passionate. When it comes to love, he is always looking for someone who knows how to understand him and find the perfect point. It is his very longing for freedom that causes him to ruin every one of his chances in love.

For Sagittarians, love is not their priority , it leaves it in the background all the time. That is why there are some situations that cause you to ruin your relationships.

You have a hard time committing

Although they think that person is quite special, a Sagittarius will always be looking for and exploring other options instead of focusing on their partner. It is very difficult for them to give their full attention in a relationship because they think that by doing so they will be losing the opportunity to find someone better or who touched their hearts more.

Without realizing it in this way, you are losing all opportunities to be happy with that person who is showing you a lot of love.

Why Sagittarius people fail in love. Photo: Pexels

Always sabotage their love relationships

You are afraid of finding peace and security. People born under this sign hate feeling stagnant and are afraid that once they find love and everything stabilizes, their life will become monotonous and boring. Without a doubt, the idea you have about love is the wrong one, that is why you end up ruining the opportunities you have to fall in love.

Would you rather say NO to love

For you it is of the utmost importance that there is chemistry between the two from the moment you meet her. You are not superficial, however physical attraction is of the utmost importance to you. In case you do not get to connect with that person on a physical level, you will reject them completely, without giving yourself the opportunity to know them emotionally, you must learn to know people both inside and out. Although physical attraction is very important, that does not guarantee that the relationship will last.