He will not change, not even for all the love you have to give

He will not change, not even for all the love you have to give

There is a belief that swears and perjures that with unconditional love it is possible to change even the most womanizing man in the world, could it be that they can?

When we fall madly in love with a man who does not suit us , that love we feel is so great that it blinds us completely and makes us believe several things, one of them is that with that same love we can change that mentality, those habits and in a moment to moment it will be as if everything is perfect.

We would like it to be true, but it is not, it is a serious mistake to leave something on the air that deep down you know will not happen, because simply and simply that man will not change, not even for all the love you have to give ; when character, preferences and feelings are forged it is very difficult for us to change.

It is not impossible but, generally, these types of men define their personality precisely because of this characteristic that they see as part of their attractiveness, many women are struck by that bad boy pose, which contains among its characteristics, the be a womanizer or even a complete jerk.

Why do we like jerks? There are many factors that can explain this, we have a theory: because it represents a challenge to change them and make them our way , that they be the Prince Charming that we expect, without losing the charm of bad men and this is a serious problem.

He will not change, not even for all the love you have to give. Photo: Pexels
He will not change, not even for all the love you have to give. Photo: Pexels

In the first place, you cannot try to change anyone , each person has a life that they have built with the ways, customs and habits that they wanted, trying to break into that space to do it to our liking does not always work, when you fail in the attempt, the frustration comes to you and you can’t blame anyone else.

Second thing you should know, when you try to change a man, you will find that when you achieve it, he will always claim that he can no longer be as he wanted and the reproach of "I did it for you" goes to change for life or at least for the duration of the relationship, in that time you will realize that it was a mistake.

To finish, changing a person, especially a womanizing man, is an almost impossible task to do, we know that you love him, but nothing is worth that emotional wear and tear that you are going to go through, let it go, it is not genuine or true if you have to change it, people love each other for who they are or you better say goodbye to them.