If one day the prince becomes an ogre, do not hesitate to get out of that story

If one day the prince becomes an ogre, do not hesitate to get out of that story

If one day that man you thought was the love of your life, has changed his attitude towards you and it is not as you thought, do not hesitate to leave his side

He could have been tender at first, give you all the attention, treat me like a princess and be his entire Universe, but if he has begun to change and now causes you hundreds of insecurities, do not hesitate to leave that story at the first sign that that Prince Charming has become an ogre that hasn’t given you a single happiness in a long time.

With each of his actions when he was conquering you and with everything he did for you, you thought that in reality he was the man of your life, that Prince Charming with whom you dreamed so much and asked of life, but suddenly everything changed and he ended up becoming an ogre, from that moment you can’t hesitate to get out of that story that is not how you imagined it.

Prince Charming was able to wear a cape and crown only at the beginning, all in order to get what he wanted from you, fall in love and have you by his side as a trophy to later show his true intentions and take out that ogre that is turning off your shine, that is causing you wounds, that has broken your illusions over and over again and has caused your tears.

story woman
If one day the prince becomes an ogre, do not hesitate to get out of that story. Photo: Pexels.

You dreamed of a Prince Charming who would teach you what true love is, who would fill your world with beautiful things, beautiful experiences, who would complement your happiness, who would fill you with hope and the desire to fight for that relationship you wanted so much, then you met your partner, he conquered you, you fell in love and you thought he was the right person for you.

It was nice at first, everything was flowing great and going from strength to strength, you thought you couldn’t have made a better choice, your Prince Charming in person, but out of nowhere those red flags that he had hidden began to surface, to show his true face and his true intentions, he didn’t have to try anymore to fit in with you, because he already has you.

You feel so sure that you will always be there that you do not make an effort to do those actions with which you fell in love in the past, even now you do not care how he makes you feel with what he does, with what he says , he is no longer interested in telling you nice words, treating you like his princess and not loving you either, because he already has you there and believes that you will never leave.

But if it causes you more tears than laughter, if it gives you a day of happiness to leave you a week sad and wondering what you did wrong, if it leaves you believing that everything is terrible with you and you are the one with the problem, if your prince charming is becoming in an ogre and has you crying, causing you thousands of insecurities, get out of that story, put an end to that chapter now.