Kindness reading from your guardian angel according to your zodiac sign July 7

Kindness reading from your guardian angel according to your zodiac sign July 7

Listen to the reading that your winged being has for you on this Thursday, July 7, 2022, and remember to open your heart and raise your faith, never lose hope

Today, Thursday , July 07, 2022, is a day full of challenges in which you will have to reflect on the path you have traveled and make changes in your life that you think are necessary to be better and be well. On the other hand, listen to the goodness reading that your winged being has for you according to your zodiac sign, your guardian angel wants to protect you and guide you along the path of good.

Hope, peace and a lot of faith, are the things that should accompany you on this July 7, 2022, know the kindness reading that your guardian angel gives you according to your zodiac sign and discover the signs that it sends you and remember that the way to connect with the heavenly is through prayer, today light a white candle and pray for what worries you or just to give thanks.

Fill yourself with good vibes and let yourself be illuminated by your guardian angel, that protector who is in charge of taking care of you on your way through the Earth and keeping you away from all danger, the one who will open the way for you to do well. In this prelude to the weekend, light a white candle and ask for the protection of your family and yours, so that everything goes well and nothing bad happens to them.

Kindness reading from your guardian angel according to your sign July 7. Photo: Pixabay.

Archangel Samael of ARIES: The special message from your guardian angel indicates that you do not wait any longer to put an end to problems, tell me and direct family, meet with them and put the cards on the table, they will realize that they only It is about misunderstandings and that everything has a solution.

Angel Hamabiel of TAURUS: The special message of your guardian angel tells you that when you do not expect anything from anyone on Earth and you expect everything from above, you start doing things from the bottom of your heart and try to do them the best you can. , you do everything without expecting anything in return, but you are blessed and you are rewarded twice.

Angel Ambriel of GEMINI: The special message of your guardian angel asks you to take good care of who you let into your life, because there are people who today are ears and tomorrow are tongues that tell everything you entrusted to them, so try to Pay close attention to who you open your heart to.

Angel Muriel of CANCER: The special message from your guardian angel asks you to never stop dreaming, there is no age limit to stop doing it, today is a good day to work twice as hard for what you want, and remember, if you can dream it, it’s because you can do it.

Archangel Michael of LEO: The special message of your guardian angel tells you not to let anyone tell you that you cannot achieve it, shut up with your actions, let your success speak for you, but above all talk to God and ask to help you with all those plans you want to fulfill.

Archangel Raphael of VIRGO: The special message of your guardian angel tells you not to ask for what you want, ask for what you deserve, you know yourself, judge your own actions and your own reactions, if you think it is convenient to change something, do it now, It’s never too late to get back on track or transform.

Archangel Samael of LIBRA: The special message of your guardian angel tells you that there are pains that purify, that help to heal your soul and prepare you to be stronger, God knows very well the reason for each battle that He gives you , you can come out victorious from there, trust and have a lot of faith.

Angel Azrael of SCORPIO: The special message from your guardian angel asks you to resist, the light is always at the end of the tunnel, you will emerge stronger than ever from this situation you are going through, you will be a renewed person with many teachings to share Just have enough faith and embrace hope.

Angel Zadquiel of SAGITTARIUS: The special message of your guardian angel reminds you that in difficult moments is where your faith is put to the test, where hope grows more than ever, and just in those moments people will appear in your life who help you. will help, it is your winged being who sends them to help you.

Angel Cassiel of CAPRICORN: The special message from your guardian angel tells you that there are people who are envious of you, but not because of what you have, only because of your personality, because of your way of being, because of your essence, you will have to do a lot of prayer to protect you from their bad vibes.

Angel Uriel of AQUARIUS : The special message of your guardian angel tells you that you do not have to fight with your enemies or feel afraid that they will carry out their threats, remember that God does not fulfill the whims of those who want to see you badly, just trust in it and you will see that nothing bad will happen to you.

Angel Azariel of PISCES: The special message of your guardian angel tells you to look for those people from whom you walked away, apologize to yourself for those mistakes, forgive everyone around you, seek to start over free of pain, grudges and pride and surrounded by people who do you good and want to see you well.

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