Phrases to dedicate to my husband’s lover

Phrases to dedicate to my husband's lover

If you have discovered that your husband is cheating on you and you already have located who the lover is, then dedicate one of the phrases that we share here, he may not want to see him again.

Have you already discovered that the man of your life is not loyal to you? We share the following phrases to dedicate to your husband’s lover so that she finds out that you already know of her existence and that she got between the two of you with the purpose of ending your marriage, perhaps that way she will be a little embarrassed and decide to stop seeing the boy who is already oblivious.

A woman does not enter a marriage if no one lets her pass, but your partner opened the doors wide for her, both guilty for being with someone forbidden, both he for being disloyal to whom he swore fidelity, but you never lower your head, we leave you the phrases to dedicate to your husband’s lover and know that you already know of his existence and his intentions.

Finding out that your husband has a lover is not easy to assimilate, it is difficult to realize that the man you chose to share your life and that you swore he loved you is betraying you, but you cannot let yourself be defeated or lose your dignity with that woman. that even knowing that he was married and even had a family, he decided to get involved.

lover phrases
Phrases to dedicate to my husband’s lover. Photo: Pexels.

Hey friend, take it as good advice from woman to woman, start looking for your dignity and the respect that you lost when you decided to go out with my husband even knowing that I already existed and that I had a family to stand up for, love yourself a a little!

What did you think? What was he going to leave me for leaving with you? I am sorry to inform you that you are wrong, because I have the crown and you are just being a hobby in your life, so keep sitting and waiting for your peasant dream to come true

I just want to warn you about something, just as my husband looked for you for a few moments of fun, don’t be surprised if tomorrow he no longer answers your messages and your place at the second table is already occupied by someone else, because a lover is so replaceable

Between women we have to support each other, so take it as good advice, stop thinking that my unfaithful husband will stop being unfaithful when he is with you, that’s fine and I’ll let him go if he wants to go with you and decides to give you the position of officer, but your lover’s place will be vacant

If you started out as a lover and are going to become his wife, you will have to suffer what I suffered. If you hit like a hammer, now calm down and hold on like a nail. Karma comes sooner or later and you will only have to endure without discussing anything

You, as the lover, believe you are the most beloved, you believe her excuses, but in reality, open your eyes and realize that you are temporary, you will have to continue enjoying this warmth under the shadows, while your dignity is left on the ground