Please stop blaming me for your inability to love me

Please stop blaming me for your inability to love me

Blaming for something that only concerns us is a cowardly way of not accepting our mistakes. Have you ever been blamed in your relationship?

Why do people break up in a relationship and the first thing they do is tell you it was your fault ? Has it ever happened to you? There are many answers that we could give to the first question, many times it has to do with remorse that remains of the other person who seeks in one way or another, to remove or alleviate their own guilt, for not having been able to maintain the relationship.

Let’s go by parts, when a person blames you for not having managed to keep the couple’s relationship afloat, they clearly cannot with their own responsibility , remember that couple relationships are precisely two people, who contribute in many ways to a relationship works, it is not the work of one person.

The man who was by your side does not have the right to blame you for his inability to love you, because perhaps from the beginning he knew that he did not want anything serious with you, that he would not be able to love you in the same way as you, why did he stay behind? your side? Because at that moment, you were what I needed, but not what I wanted.

But when things escalated to a level where you saw yourself as the woman of his life, probably married, with children, the nice house, the dog, etc., he couldn’t respond to those wishes , he left you in the middle of the construction of your future and by the way he blamed you because he didn’t know how to fill your requirements, his inability to love you won.

Please stop blaming me for your inability to love me. Photo: Unsplash
Please stop blaming me for your inability to love me. Photo: Unsplash

Of course, he left you with your self-esteem on the ground, because to top it off, you think it was really your fault that he didn’t know you or couldn’t love you, you start walking with the idea that you weren’t enough, you tell yourself yourself that you are not enough of a woman for that man, when it should be the other way around.

To condemn you so strongly because that man did not know how to respond to you as you deserved, is to put aside your self-esteem , not to take you into consideration for putting first, the feelings (which he does not have) of that person who does not take yours into account, we understand that you love him, but it’s time for someone to tell you "friend, realize it".

If you already realized it, you probably recognize that living with faults that are not yours is to carry other people’s baggage that simply does not touch us, get rid of those faults , free yourself from what does not belong to you to feel, the one that had the inability to love you it was him, not you.