Post-Rupture Bipolar Disorder

Post-Rupture Bipolar Disorder

The breakdown of a relationship by itself is not usually the cause of psychiatric disorders, but rather an aggravation of them

The American Psychiatric Association mentions in its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders "(DSM) that falling in love is not a medical condition , despite this, each of the physical implications that it generates do present themselves as clinical pathologies.

The above, especially after it ends and the breakup comes, but is there post-breakup bipolar disorder?

A mood disorder can only be diagnosed by psychiatric professionals, in addition, methodologies and indicators are followed that give the condition the category of pathology.

Post-breakup bipolar disorder Photo: Freepik

The breakdown of a relationship by itself is not usually the cause of psychiatric disorders, but rather an aggravation of them.

For example, a mentally healthy person experiencing love loss is definitely in pain, but will not develop severe depression.

Otherwise: a person with mild depression can become severe after the breakdown of a love bond. This happens because people are not prepared or have the tools to deal with the pain of separation from a loved one.

Bipolar disorder is a delicate psychic and neurological situation in which the person cannot sustain a state of mind for long enough, therefore, he becomes extremely fickle and can quickly go from euphoria to sadness.

These characteristics can also appear after experiencing a love breakup, however, they are not enough to diagnose a serious bipolar disorder.

Post-breakup bipolar disorder Photo: Freepik

If you experienced a love breakup that is having a hard time coping, consult a psychological therapist, who can refer you to psychiatric professionals if you require it. We help you in the process with this list of five steps to overcome a love breakup.

However, in most cases it will only be necessary to accompany you in your grieving process until the wounds heal and you can feel great again.

To help you in your grieving process, we share a list of the best poems to know a broken heart.