Reasons Why A Man Kisses You Without Being Boyfriends

Reasons Why A Man Kisses You Without Being Boyfriends

Do not worry if the boy has kissed you without being a boyfriend yet, this is part of the maturity, but if you take into account the pros and cons of this action

"I don’t know who we are now, I really like him, he kissed me without asking me to be his girlfriend." This is one of the common phrases in women when a kiss suddenly arises and often confuses you.

A kiss that is given, even when they are not dating , has the same relevance or sometimes much more than when they are already dating, this is because people are carried away by the moment, by tenderness, of course everything will depend on the context and the situation.

The kisses that are given spontaneously are usually tender, and that makes many couples become more united, but really what reasons can there be for that person to kiss you without being a boyfriend. Here we tell you!

A kiss is very important, the meaning much more. Photo: Pixabay

By attraction

If they are just beginning to date, it starts from an important premise that has a lot of logic, if that boy invites you to the cinema or to have a coffee and suddenly a kiss arises, it is because he feels attraction for you and reflects it under that impulse to gather his lips with yours.

The thrill of seeing you

Some men who are in love, cannot stand the urge to kiss you, they may not miss the opportunity to kiss you if that is what they want the most. Many such couples begin their courtship with the seal of a kiss that unites them forever. That is, after the kiss, the request comes.

But if it does not happen, it would be interesting that in these contemporary times, you feel free to ask in what conditions they will be, so that you do not get any illusions, even if they have kissed a soap opera, it is better to know the real ones intentions of the boy and thus already consciously decide if you follow or take it as a hobby.

Without rules

It may be that that boy kisses you and does not need to tell you that if he wants to be his girlfriend, sometimes men only need to kiss to know that you reciprocate and they take for granted that they are boyfriends.

The easiest way where you can tell if they are already dating or not after a kiss, is to see how he presents you in front of his friends. eye!.

The conflict

A woman is more prone to suffering from that romantic kiss that made her travel to the moon, and the next day she conflicts with whether or not they are dating, and she begins to wonder why she allowed him to kiss her if she still does not know. declares him.

Girls sometimes it is better to just enjoy the kiss and let things flow little by little, many relationships like that start little by little is a way to get to know each other a little better before taking an important step such as being formal boyfriends, just like society marks it.


You are free to kiss whoever you like and make you feel good, what you have to take care is that you do not misinterpret your relationship and know well what you are getting into with this person, do not walk blindly, because although you can enjoy kisses and other intimacies, but that does not mean that they are boyfriends or that they have a real relationship, for there to be a true commitment, you have to dialogue and reach agreements together.