The Half Plus Seven Rule Is The Minimum Age For Your Partner

The Half Plus Seven Rule Is The Minimum Age For Your Partner

This formula is perhaps applied more socially, knowing the maximum and minimum age of your partner, applying the rule of half plus seven to many works

Sometimes we have in mind the maximum and minimum age that we would accept in a couple, perhaps a lot of this comes from the social aspect but, there is the rule of half plus seven that gives you the minimum age for your ideal partner.

Love gives us surprises and you may find yourself in the situation that a younger person has conquered your heart, the rule of half plus seven they say is a good formula to know if your partner is the right age for you.

There is also a similar rule that tells you how old your partner must be to look good.

The rule of half plus seven gives you the age for your partner. Photo.Pixabay

According to the article published in Psychology Today, it tells us how the formula of your age plus seven is applied for couples.

And yes, this can be beneficial in terms of social appearance, although the maturity of people often does not lie in the age that people are, also in physical appearance.

For example, if you are a 31-year-old person, you will divide them in two, what gives you 15 now adds 7, it gives you a total of 22, which would be the minimum number of years someone would have to be your partner and that they leave Well together.

The other similar rule to decipher the maximum age your older partner can be would be minus 7 at your age times two.

For example, if you are the same 31 years old, take away seven gives you 24 times two gives you 48 years, socially it would be honestly acceptable experts point out that this rule is the least applied.

Elijah Muhammad (1897-1975) was the one who said that the ideal age of a man’s wife was half his age, plus seven.

Know the maximum and minimum age of your partner with the rule of half plus seven. Photo.Pixabay

Some interpret the rule in such a way that if you are younger, you double your years and then subtract seven. This is mathematically inconsistent. The consistent method is to subtract seven years from your age and then multiply by two, they point out.

Although it is also said that 14 years old, the rule states that both people must be the same age.

There is a page dedicated to the knowledge and understanding of this rule, likewise followers approve or not if this has worked for them.

In reality it is not a statistic that everyone works and that ensures the success of the relationship in itself, in fact there are those who base this for certain aspects, since they can say that depending on what they love this person is the age that calls them the attention.

In the middle of the show we see a lot the relationship of couples of very different ages , today women with men younger than them stand out, although commonly when questioning them they will always go down at least 5 years when they look for someone formal for marriage even when love reaches them even they get carried away.

This excites men since many have expressed their desire for those who call mature, although study noted that for example at a certain mature age such as 50 years, men intimately fantasize about women in their twenties and over.

So the rule of half plus seven is possibly something that you are going to find in your life and you apply it without realizing it, in the end the important thing is the connection between the two, that goes beyond the age between Both, it is worth enjoying love without rules.