Things a woman does that says goodbye even though she loves that man

Things a woman does that says goodbye even though she loves that man

One of the greatest sacrifices, for good, that a woman makes, is to leave the life of a man she loves, with dignity she walks away and continues on her way.

Inevitably and sometimes, there are women who, although they love a man above all things, decide to leave , either to be better with themselves, because they discovered that the person simply did not love them or because there is a great obstacle between her and her partner to say goodbye and go each one his way.

A huge sacrifice is that when you have already made the decision, there will hardly be anything that will make you change your mind, you will make the right decision because you know that it is a way to get ahead, without getting stuck in a relationship or in a romance that does not suit you. is going to bring nothing new, despite the love she feels for that man.

When a woman is determined to say goodbye, even madly in love with that man, she will do one or more of the things on the following list, her dignity is worth more than a man who did not know how to value her , did not fight for the relationship or simply, he knows that perhaps at some point of destiny, he will be there, if it is worth it.

He will not hold grudges. Because above all there is an infinite love and gratitude to that person, because in one way or another it made her happy, the time she was, she knows that hatred and travel are useless if she wants to rebuild her life.

He will not let comments affect him . If he speaks ill of her, if other people call him selfish or in other worse ways, she doesn’t look back, she respects that feeling she still has for that man, even if he doesn’t have the slightest, for her.

Things a woman does that says goodbye even though she loves that man. Photo: Unsplash
Things a woman does that says goodbye even though she loves that man. Photo: Unsplash

He will not play the victim. Because she knows that she is not, she is simply a woman who, by chance, has made a decision that breaks her heart, but that is the best for her and her dignity, she is aware of that wound but tries to heal it.

Trust herself . She knows that although in her heart she carries that love that once made her happy, she also recognizes that it will not be forever and in that case, she will get up herself from that sad that accompanies her, she will get ahead.

He will rise from the fall with dignity and stronger than ever. She will learn the lesson, maybe a few days she will remember that man, cry for not having him around, but she will give time to time and when she is finally at peace, she will realize that she is ready to love again.