Things You Shouldn’t Do The First 6 Months Of Relationship

Things You Shouldn't Do The First 6 Months Of Relationship

These are some actions that you should not do for anything in the world during the first months of your relationship, since they immediately end the illusion and even love

The first months in the relationship are usually the most beautiful but also a challenge, since each one is showing their true personality, apart from the fact that hormones stop being secreted and they "open their eyes" to what it really is, what to say that in some cases there is no longer so much interest in the conquest process. That is why you should know what not to do in the first 6 months of dating .

If you do, you could put your relationship at risk and prevent a beautiful love story from being written . Remember that dating needs details, attention and time, there are things you should avoid doing the first 6 months of your relationship. Don’t let your soulmate want to leave your side.

Stop dedicating romantic messages: Remember that there is no person who resists the word. So in case you want to enchant your lover, do not stop dedicating beautiful poems full of love. Otherwise, love will fall ill in the first few months.

Things you shouldn’t do the first 6 months of your relationship. Photo: Freepik

Forgetting to give them a detail each month: They are in the first months of enthusiasm, affection and discovery, so do not limit yourself in celebrating it. Never stop remembering how much time you have together for at least the first year.

Tell him what you need: Learn the difference, it is not the same to be with someone for the sake of necessity. You must be romantic day and night but without being reached by the feeling of "need". Do not make love sick with false mentions in such a short time. Although they are united, they are individual beings, and you should always try to be that way, otherwise the relationship will be unhealthy.

Keep looking for your exes: Don’t do what you wouldn’t want them to do to you, so stop having contact with your past relationships. There is no justification for doing so unless you have children or a business in common. If you decided to start a new relationship, it is best to close cycles.

Leave messages in view: Within the first 6 months of the relationship, all the details determine the course of it. In addition to being a lack of courtesy, leaving messages in view makes clear ingratitude and disinterest. It is impossible that you do not have an extra second to tell him that later you communicate or you do not have time. A quick response will fix everything and show that you are ready for a long-term relationship.

Dedicate songs that show your sick side of love: All romantic songs are allowed, however you should avoid those that have obsessive themes. Those that expose your dependent and even stalking side should be left out.

Introducing your family: Sometimes giving up everything at once is not a good option. It takes more time to build strong emotional ties, otherwise the other person can be frightened with such formality. Wait for the moment that is indicated, so that that person is not impressed and values ​​when it is necessary or not.

Lying: Whatever the case, it is not allowed. If you do it to get their attention sooner or later the truth will be known. In case your intentions are to omit or "change" the things that you have done wrong, you are definitely not ready for a relationship. If you find yourself lying to yourself, think about what you feel or want, because if you do, it is because something is not right and it may be best to finish.

Tell him that he is the love of your life: While it is true that you may feel it, remember that he has little time together and you cannot be sure that he is. If you do, you can see yourself (or be) a very intense and unbalanced sentimental being.

Blackmail with love: The first few months are a period of recognition. There you will find out if they are really compatible as a couple. Otherwise it is time to say goodbye. Phrases like: "They are nothing without you", "If you leave I will die", or "I cannot live without you are by my side", are the worst thing you can do. Respect the other and preserve your dignity.