Three exercises you should do at 40 to mark your abdomen

Three exercises you should do at 40 to mark your abdomen

Age is not an impediment to achieving a great body, at 40 you are very early to have that marked abdomen you are looking for, these 3 exercises will help you

When we reach a certain age, we believe that exercising is only to stay active and that we will not achieve the figure we want, what follows is that we put aside exercise routines, when it is something that we must continue doing not only to take care of our health , also to achieve our goal.

At 40 you can continue exercising and achieve a flat and even marked abdomen . We suggest three types of activities to keep you in shape and at the same time take care of your health. Remember that perseverance is key for any physical activity to work.

We also share with you what other aspects of the body these three activities improve, with the aim of completing your physical activity with an extra to lead a healthy and optimal lifestyle for your routine. Here are the three types of exercises you can do if you’re 40 and want a flat stomach.

Cardio . At least 30 minutes of any cardio exercise is recommended, it can be a walk, it will also help you improve your resistance and of course provide benefits to your heart, not to mention that the exercises you do will help burn calories and release tension.

Three exercises you should do at 40 to mark your abdomen. Photo: Unsplash
Three exercises you should do at 40 to mark your abdomen. Photo: Unsplash

Yoga . The benefits that yoga will offer you at this age, in addition to maintaining a great body, range from maintaining your flexibility, to lowering your stress levels, it is a complete exercise that can bring you an improvement in your blood pressure and heart rate, in addition to helping you sleep better and have better digestion.

Strength training. At this point experts recommend doing weights, rowing and abdominal exercises, if you want to build muscle mass in moderation or as you feel comfortable, you will also improve bone density, which prevents what you call osteoporosis or future fractures.

Specialists recommend reducing sugars to avoid fat storage ; replace processed foods with products such as fish, vegetables and fruits, and above all drink plenty of water, which is essential at any age for greater performance and a better quality of life.