Four Things That "Kill" Couple Love

Four things that

In this article we will say the things that kill the love of a couple, if you identify them in your relationship, it is time to take action on the matter

What is it that leads to failure in romantic relationships ? Although a relationship is not necessarily complicated, it is not easy either, because if it is sometimes difficult to maintain agreements with yourself, it is even more so to establish them with a partner.

That is why this time we present you the four things that kill the love of a couple and perhaps you do not know it, because sometimes they can be very subtle.

Every little detail that hurts us and we overlook, gradually they cause damage to the relationship that, in the long term, is irreparable. If you identify any of these behaviors in your relationship, it may be time for you to look for a solution that allows you to continue on the path together.

There is a list of toxic attitudes in relationships, here we help you identify if they are in yours. Consider it!

These are the four things that kill couple love:

1. Jealousy

Jealousy is the first cause of rupture in the love of a couple, and no one is exempt from living or experiencing it, couples normally live jealousy and because they are their first experiences in this regard they do not know how to handle it, and although they feel it naturally, when jealousy they become a matter of constant fights, they make life unbearable.

2. Lies

Keeping a pure word, complying with the facts corresponding to what has been said is a very difficult practice to elaborate, since we frequently resort to lies to please someone who is not already on the same channel as you. Honesty is always preferable over any convenience.

3. Hurt with words

Whether with destructive or unconscious criticism, it is relatively easy to make someone lose confidence, since most of us are used to silence.

4. Irresponsibility

Nothing to make your relationship go overboard like letting yourself make commitments that you know you won’t keep.

To mention an example, if you tell your partner that you will take care of taking out the garbage and you do not, you will surely arouse his annoyance and if that is repeated with other agreements in the long run he will end up getting tired of the situation.

We have a good tip for you: sharing housework improves relationships, so it may be a good idea to focus on this and other actions that help keep the flame of love alive.

Don’t let the pretty feelings get lost. Always put love first.