How To Always Maintain Your Desired Weight Without Eating Heavy Diets

How To Always Maintain Your Desired Weight Without Eating Heavy Diets

With these simple tricks you will never regain the extra kilos, without much effort

The desire of every woman is not only to get rid of the extra kilos , but to never get them back. Although it seems like an impossible task, it is not and there are some simple tricks to help you achieve it.

For this reason you must know how to always maintain the same weight without dieting. Several experts have recommended that you should try to find the healthiest foods and make their consumption a habit.

Besides that you should not skip any meal, increase fiber consumption, reduce saturated fat, red meat, alcohol, fried and processed.

How to always maintain the desired weight without heavy diets. Photo: Pexels

Start the day right

You need an energetic but light breakfast: coffee with skim milk, fruit, skimmed yogurt with oats, whole grains and two or three nuts.

Mediterranean diet

It is healthy, rich and varied. Start by eating seasonal and local foods, do not forget to put into practice the healthy rule that half the plate is vegetables, a quarter of protein and another of carbohydrates.

Always vegetable

There is a diversity of flavors, easy to prepare, goes with everything and always feels good. Lentils, broccoli, chard, or spinach are a good option.

The daily salad

A dinner idea could be cherry tomato and tuna, or a leftover shredded fish. A good option is not to add too many ingredients because then it is easier for you to eat more.

It all adds up

Climbing stairs, parking far away, getting up from the work table every half hour, not lying down for hours and hours, all the exercise you do throughout the day matters.

More fish, less meat

Experts recommend 3/4 servings a week. You can prepare this in a minute: with dill, lemon juice, a little olive oil and baked or grilled.

Always comprehensive

Either rye or spelled, but always in moderation.

Always eat vegetables. Photo: Pexels

Half morning

You can eat a piece of fruit. Experts say that eating a whole fruit is the best recommendation since you chew more and take advantage of all its fiber.

Calorie Burning Exercise

Planks, squats, push-ups are the easiest and can be done at any time, apart from helping to keep your body fit, muscles toned, and bones strong.

Small servings

Try to use small plates and not fill them, eat slowly and chew a lot and avoid repeating.

A whim from time to time

Look for low-calorie desserts and eat as little as possible, but don’t do it frequently.

Walk, walk and walk

The goal is the 10,000 daily steps recommended by the American Society of Cardiology.