Covid-19 vaccine test gives positive results, brings hope

Covid-19 vaccine test gives positive results, brings hope

Pfizer and BioNtech are not resting on coronavirus vaccine trials and have had encouraging results.

It has been a long process, but they do not withdraw from the battle, the test of the vaccine against covid-19 gives positive results , it brings hope to the world in the midst of the discouraging panorama that is being experienced in several countries.

Scientists, epidemiologists, doctors and laboratories join their knowledge to find a cure for the pandemic that has hit humans with great force, the covid-19 vaccine test gives positive results , it brings hope.

Good news among the misfortune, the test of the vaccine against covid-19 gives positive results , however, there is still more to be done and other tests to claim victory, but without a doubt, it is a big step.

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covid vaccine
Covid-19 vaccine test gives positive results, brings hope. Photo: AFP.

This is the experimental vaccine against the coronavirus from Pfizer and BioNtech, which was tested in patients, in which it managed to produce antibodies, being a proposal that opens the way to a cure for this pandemic.

The vaccine trial was tested on 45 healthy adults divided into several groups, 24 people were injected with two different doses of this vaccine, 12 with a single very high dose and nine with two dummy injections.

The 24 patients injected with two doses of this experimental vaccine generated antibodies against the coronavirus, so Pfizer and BioNTech from Germany do not lower their guard on that line to find the vaccine that will end the pandemic.

This Pfizer and BioNtech vaccine has received the name called BNT162b1, and is being reviewed under a magnifying glass by experts, while experiments continue with four more vaccines that are expected to be tested in 30,000 patients.

Pfizer and BioNtech hope to score a victory and give that victory to the world, if they achieve the expected results, they want to manufacture up to 100 million doses by the end of 2020 and more than 1.2 billion by the end of 2021.