Exercises to Eliminate Thigh Fat

Exercises to Eliminate Thigh Fat

These are the ideal exercises to burn thigh fat and tone the legs that you can do at home and without any equipment

If you want to modify or work on a specific part of your body, it is necessary that you find the right exercise , since although you doubt it there are, and being constant, disciplined, patient and having a balanced diet you can achieve your goal. If you want to decrease the size of your thighs you should do the following.

Eliminating fat and defining only one part of the body is a difficult task even for those who eat correctly and practice some physical activity on a regular basis. However, you have to take time to do activities that are focused on reaching a goal quickly. In case you want to slim the inner thighs , you should follow the following training, it is simple, you can do it at home and without any equipment.

Exercise 1, Jumping Jack Squat: With legs spread (slightly more than shoulder width apart) and fingers pointing outwards. You will squat down and then you will jump. Bring your feet together, lower yourself, jump back up, and return to the starting position. Repeat for 30 seconds.

Exercises to eliminate thigh fat. Photo: Pexels

Exercise 2: Standing with your legs together, you will take a wide step to the right, keeping your left leg straight. Then you will return to the starting position and do the same movement on the other side. Repeat the exercise for 30 seconds.

Exercise 3: You are going to jump with your feet and arms open, but crossing your arms in front of your chest and also your feet alternately. Try repeating for 30 seconds.

Exercise 4: You are going to start standing, with your feet joined. You will take a wide step to the right, crouching down. you will return to the center and you will repeat the movement to the left side. You will keep your hands together in front of your chest and repeat for 30 seconds.

Exercise 5: Lie on your back with your legs up. You are going to cross the right leg over the left and then the left over the right, doing the scissor movement with your legs. Repeat for 60 seconds.

Exercise 6: In a squat position, you will spread the balls of your feet so that they both point outward. Go down as far as you can and go back up in a controlled motion. Do all the repetitions you can in one minute and without stopping.

Exercise 7: In the bridge position, you will place a cushion between your knees, pressing it with your legs. Try lifting and lowering your hips for a minute, while contracting your abdomen. Keep your arms straight next to your body.

Exercise 8: Bring one leg forward, making it semi-flexed and keeping the knee over the tip of your foot (the back leg should come down almost to the ground). You will return with a small jump, in the air you will change legs. Repeat as many times as you can in 30 seconds.

Exercise 9: On the ground you are going to place yourself in a six-point position. Raise one leg and stretch it all the way back. You’ll hold a second and come back. Perform for 30 seconds for each leg.