How To Make Your Kitchen Floor Spotless Without Damaging It

How To Make Your Kitchen Floor Spotless Without Damaging It

There are some tricks that will help you keep your kitchen floor clean, free of grease and food residues.

Keeping the kitchen clean while preparing some food is an impossible task, since apart from the pots, pans and the stove that we occupy, the floor can also be damaged.

That is why you must know how to make the kitchen floor impeccable without damaging it. Whether pieces of food fall when the ingredients to be used are being chopped, a liquid that splashes or a jug or plate that falls, everything usually ends up on the ground.

For this and other reasons, it is extremely important to clean the kitchen floor frequently and properly, not only to fix possible disasters but also to maintain the hygiene of that important space.

How to make your kitchen floor spotless without damaging it. Photo: Pexels

How to clean it

Although we clean the kitchen floor every day, sometimes we do not do it in the correct way, that is why it is important to pay attention to the material from which the floor is made, so as not to damage it since not everyone needs the same care.

Remove debris by hand

With an absorbent or kitchen paper, try to remove any splashes or kitchen debris that may be on the floor, especially when they are liquid or greasy. With this you will avoid spreading them with the broom.

This is ideal when food falls to the ground, since it prevents it from leaving a mark and it is easier to clean it. In case you cannot do it and the food remains harden, you will have to scratch them with a sponge or even with sandpaper in case it is very difficult to remove it.

To soften stains, mix water and baking soda to make a paste. Then you will let it act on the stain.

Then try using the sponge on the soft part moistened in water with a pinch of bicarbonate. In case it does not come out, then use a spatula, although being very careful not to scratch the floor.

When the floor gets wet or stained, you should avoid stepping on it at all costs since you will end up filling everything with footprints, once you have collected the liquid that fell, it is a good option to place some sheets of newspaper or a magazine on the floor.

How to clean the floor. Photo: Pexels

Sweep or vacuum the dust

Once debris has been removed from the floor, the surface can be swept or vacuumed to remove any dust and solid debris that has fallen.

It will be very important not to skip this step, because scrubbing can leave the floor worse than it was.

How to clean a wooden or laminate floor

You can use a natural remedy such as white vinegar, which is usually a great ally of wooden floors, since it not only helps to disinfect but also to give it shine.

How to clean ceramic floors

As they are very resistant floors, they are easily cleaned. Use warm water and any cleaning product for floors, although you can also opt for other more natural ones such as vinegar or bicarbonate.

If you want it to shine even more, pass a dry cloth that you can tie to the broom, wrapping the bristles.