Apple Juice To Fight Annoying Snoring

Apple Juice To Fight Annoying Snoring

Apples and carrots have an antioxidant effect and, together with orange, clear nasal fluids and promote breathing.

Snoring is often the reason for arguments with the partner, since it alters the quality of sleep, sometimes it is impossible to be next to a person who snores. When we sleep, the muscles and tissues of the pharynx relax, causing the airways to narrow.

At this time when annoying snoring occurs, since when this space is reduced, the air that is breathed brushes by the soft walls of the palate and uvuvla (bell), making them vibrate. This movement is what produces the characteristic sound of snoring.

Resorting to natural remedies to combat it is usually an excellent option, since there is an apple and carrot juice that is super effective to end them. It should be noted that among the main causes of these airway obstructions are the excessive amount of mucus accumulated in the throat.

apple juice to combat snoring. Photo: Pexels

Apple and carrot juice is an excellent natural alternative for this condition. Carrots and apples have a powerful expectorant effect, they are rich in antioxidants and together with ginger and lemon they moisturize the throat and their high vitamin C content clears fluids from the nasal passages, which favors breathing.

Remember that the results will only be positive as long as you avoid the consumption of certain foods, such as refined flours, fried, fatty and processed foods, the consumption of alcohol and tobacco, since they are highly related to this condition.


2 red apples

2 carrots

1 lemon

1 small piece of ginger (peeled)

How to prepare it

Add the apples, stemmed and seeded, and cut into medium cubes to the juicer.

Include sliced ​​carrots

Add the lemon juice and the piece of ginger

Process for a minute until obtaining a homogeneous liquid without lumps

Consume at night, before sleeping