How To Teach Vowels To My Child

How To Teach Vowels To My Child

There is no better way to learn than by having fun, so don’t make your first steps a mess by becoming familiar with vowels, teach effectively.

In order for them to become interested in studying, reading and learning about the great world of letters, you should not make this process so exhausting and exasperating both for them and for you, we will tell you how to teach vowels to your child in a fun and effective , remember they are just getting started on this, so don’t paint them as a complicated picture.

In order to lead a child in the taste for reading and learning new things, you as mom or dad must have a lot of patience, but also too much love to educate him, not everything is left to the teachers, you can also give the first steps, in this article we give you some tips on how to teach vowels to your child in a fun and effective way.

It is not just about opening a book, asking you to observe it for hours and wanting that tomorrow you already know the vowels knowing how to distinguish them perfectly, this takes time and it is a process that you must know how to conduct in order not to turn it into something boring or frustrating for the little ones, be patient and support yourself with these exercises that we present or below.

Vocal children
How to teach vowels to my child in a fun and effective way. Photo: Pexels.

1. Read stories with illustrations referring to the vowels : In the bookstores, look for some stories that contain characters whose names begin with each of the vowel letters, if you cannot find your own story with characters such as Spider, Elephant, iguana, Bear , Magraca, just try to make the pictures understood by the child.

2. Visualize each vowel and associate it with images: Once you have read the story to him, show him each vowel, in the book point out the 5 letters and tell him which drawing begins with each of the letters, so he can begin to link them and become familiar with the shape of each one, so also say them aloud so that it associates the phoneme of the AEIOU.

3. Trace letters on the ground: As you teach him the vowels, you should also show him the upper and lower case of each one, so make traces on the ground with the help of chalk, what you can do is take your hand and you guide it to the moment of the stroke, then let the little one go through them with a cart or put soups around each one and thus work on the spelling.

4. Associate with the letters: Since you have the vowels drawn on the ground, you can take advantage of them to play in another way, what you have to do is say simple words, either fruits or animals that start with each of the vowels, the The child will have to tell you with which vowel of those that are drawn on the ground to start the spoken word.

5. Associate with images: put a ring in each of the letters not so far apart, now you will say a vowel and the child will have to jump with both feet together to the letter you indicated and tell you a fruit or animal that begins with That letter, if you make a mistake, you just have to guide him and not despair or tell him that he is doing it wrong, just ask him to concentrate.