I love you but it’s time to close this chapter in my life

I love you but it's time to close this chapter in my life

Life has told you that it is not there and when the other person decides, you realize that things happen for a reason… or not and you decide to let go

How is life, that when we want something to be given, she does not want it, but when we are about to let go, life itself is in charge of presenting us the opposite, when it comes to relationships, destiny is a liar that tends to play with our feelings, putting the wrong person in our paths.

From one moment to another we are obsessed with a person who has already told us in a thousand ways that it cannot be, but deep down, our love lights a candle so that it can be, suddenly we realize that it is better to leave the things as they are, we no longer insist, what’s more, we are about to let that person go.

We decide to say "I love you but it’s time to close this chapter in my life" And it is right there when destiny makes its move and finally, that person tells you that he does want to be with you; let me tell you something: close that chapter with a padlock, throw away the key and forget where you left it, because honestly you are not prone to indecision.

If the man in question had known what he wanted from the beginning, he would not have waited for the last call to tell you or give you another chance, there are people who are not sure about many things , that includes partner choices, they think they will have time to hold a person, while they are with another.

I love you but it's time to close this chapter in my life. Photo: Pexels
I love you but it’s time to close this chapter in my life. Photo: Pexels

When women realize this situation, it is when despite all the love they may have for someone, they decide to close that chapter of their lives, in which perhaps they spent time, too much, in order to hold on to something they love. maybe they weren’t sure it could come true.

Some of these women show self -esteem when they make the decision to leave that almost relationship that torments them and does not let them live their lives in a full way, stagnation can make them believe that there will be no one else who is worthwhile, They grab onto the idea of ​​someone who will never reciprocate.

On the other hand, there are those women who definitively close that chapter with a teaching, value that pothole so as not to make the same mistake and raise their value as women who deserve true and sincere love, despite all the love they feel for that person. person who did not know how to value them, they know that they must put an end point.