Teacher Begs Sep To Cancel Online Classes

Teacher Begs Sep To Cancel Online Classes

Laura Marisol mentioned through Facebook the difficulties that parents have due to online classes

Not only parents and students are suffering from online classes but also teachers, who have to deal with the stories of all their students.

Such a situation led a teacher to beg for classes to be suspended . The primary school teacher lives in Sabinas Hidalgo, Nuevo León and through her social networks she asks the Ministry of Public Education (SEP) to cancel the virtual return to classes.

This is due to the fact that many of its students and hundreds of children in Mexico do not have the necessary resources to be able to take distance classes.

Teacher consoles herself on social media. Photo: Facebook

Laura Marisol Camacho Saristegui is the teacher who used her Facebook account to expose the situation that thousands of students are going through.

Really distressed, she asked the Secretariat in charge of Esteban Moctezuma Barragán to resume the school year until it can be done in person, so that the students are not affected or have to deal with the problems of difficult access to information technologies.

It is very hard to carry all the work which I do with great pleasure. But carrying the situation in which my students live is too much. I see how they make the effort these days, they are animated, but it breaks my heart when reading them

Camacho Saristegui expressed that since last August 25 when he returned to class he has had to read the difficulties that students and their families are going through by having to work overtime to have a balance on the phone and be able to send the corresponding tasks.

Teacher, I’m going to run out of data. When I can put a refill I send the homework, ‘teacher, I went to do some small jobs and with what I earned I put a refill so I had not been able to answer’ or ‘teacher, I work late. Excuse the time but we just finished ‘

As if that were not enough, Laura Marisol recalled that we are still going through the new coronavirus pandemic, that with the passage of time the situation has become more complex and difficult, so she said ‘it is already too much stress’ to which they are subjected minors and their families.

He did not want to pass the opportunity to confess his sadness at not being able to do anything about the situation that millions of Mexican families are facing in these times, since previously, if there was a problem, the school functioned as a distraction for children and the use was not required. of technology at home, since the classrooms had all that material.

As a teacher, you always care about your students and you know that no matter how much it hurts, you cannot change their situation. But we could comfort, give a smile, a hug, share our lunch. Bring the copies even if it were our money, take our laptop to put some educational video. And now in the distance everything is complicated and the inequalities come to light much more