Reasons why a woman falls in love with an older man

Reasons why a woman falls in love with an older man

There are powerful reasons that women defend when they fall in love with a man much older than them and are 5, 10 or 20 years old, they argue that there is no age for love

There are plenty of reasons to know when a woman is sure of what you want , being in love with a man much older than her implies that she has a special vision about what he wants for his life, such as understanding, financial and emotional stability.

They defend their position of preferring to fall in love with a man older than them to being with a young man or the same age. There are powerful reasons why they can give their hearts to a man who could be up to 20 years older than them.

Does age matter? It depends! If you do it for the money, obviously the beauty will last as long as there is money, but there are women who fall in love with maturity and the treatment that an older man gives them.

Reasons why a woman falls in love with an older man. Photo: Pexels

Are there buts? Of course there are, although they defend that love tooth and nail there will always be criticisms around them, some come from friends, others from strangers, but there are some that come from the family itself. "What do you see in that old man", "You deserve someone younger", "That man is not for you, he is very old" and other comments received by a woman who falls in love with a man much older than her.

What are the reasons why a woman prefers to marry an older man?

They are not jealous of them: When they find a mature and focused man emotionally and economically speaking, they are not jealous of them, on the contrary they support them so that they can improve themselves either by studying or working.

Intimacy: They are experienced men because they already come from many relationships in the past where they learned from mistakes, and when they find a stable partner, they give their all, their experience helps them to keep the partner satisfied. Many times they become their masters. And this is what seduces many women to be in front of a man who discovers them.

They fall in love: Women fall in love with older men, naturally, there does not necessarily have to be an interest, more than a taste for that person who they love, who attracts them and makes them feel fulfilled with them.

Mature men are more patient: They feel that a man older than them is a person who understands them and does not stress them, on the contrary, they pay better attention with love, tenderness and patience.

They are not elbows: These men seduce and fall in love with women, because they are great retailers with gifts, dinners and trips, there is everything in this world and if the man has economic power, he does not skimp on treating a woman as queen, and this deducts a lot from any woman.

They already have a house, work: Many women take into account economic stability, that is why they marry mature men who already have their car, house, stable job and can afford to travel or buy more things.