Message From His Guardian Angel According To His Sign September 22

Message From His Guardian Angel According To His Sign September 22

Discover the special message of your guardian angel September 22, 2020. Appreciate the divine guidance that you always have by your side to lead your life on the best path

En Pareja shares with you the special message that your guardian angel has for you. Do not forget that these beings of light are there to take care of you and guide you at all times, sometimes you forget how important that divine connection is. Search your message according to your zodiac sign.

Do not miss the opportunity to know what these beings of light want to tell you, who are only there to always do good in your life. Today’s message according to your zodiac sign has to do with your health, work and love.

Do not be afraid, on the contrary, have peace that the love of these beings will always bring you blessings, they will help you not to fall into temptations and above all they warn you of dangers that may arise in your life.

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Message from your guardian angel according to your sign September 22. Photo: Pixabay

Archangel Samael of ARIES

Take care of your relationship as a couple they have had very frequent differences lately, it seems that they forgot what they promised when the relationship began. Time is a valuable treasure that does not return, take advantage of it by giving love.

Angel Hamabiel from TAURUS

When you leave your house, try to disconnect all the devices you can, a possible accident is foreseen, caution makes the difference. Do not forget to be more in contact with your parents, they are still waiting for you.

Angel Ambriel from GEMINI

Whenever you think about the past, try to make it: "I will not repeat the same mistakes", the path is up to you, it all depends on the things you determine is important in your life, do not drift and draw up your own plan .

Angel Muriel from CANCER

Be grateful to your parents, you will not always have them, there are stages where they will need your help. Start saving, the future is uncertain and it is worth more that you are prepared in the economic question.

Archangel Michael from LEO

Tired body, you keep absorbing the bad energies of people who envy you, take advantage of the day to start cleaning your body of everything, first clean all the corners of your house well with vinegar and then light a yellow candle.

Archangel Raphael of VIRGO

Do not forget to ask your angel for your well-being, but also for that of your parents, nothing like being a good son and being when they need you most. Learn to release grudges, do not stay with them, they do you a lot of harm.

Angel Samael from LIBRA

It is time to undertake new adventures in your life, you have enough energy to build the business you have always wanted, but be careful with friends who want to associate with you, who are too envious.

Angel Azrael from SCORPIO

This week you will have some difficulties with health and there are some differences with a family member, your angel will be there to help you and guide your actions, remember that you are always guiding yourself with free will, but you can ask your angel for help whenever you want.

Angel Zadquiel from SAGITTARIUS

At home there are some vibes that are not good, you need a clean one, start by putting red and yellow candles this week, pray and ask your guardian angel to help you clear the paths of your life and that of the whole family.

Angel Cassiel from CAPRICORN

There are hypocritical people in this life, watch out for those who tell you nice things all the time, these are the worst, balance your life but always observe what is not working for you and discard it.

Angel Uriel of AQUARIUS

Love knocks on your door but you are too demanding sometimes, let yourself be carried away by what your heart dictates, sometimes the love of your life is in a nice conversation with who you least expected.

Angel Azariel from PISCES

At home you will have a visitor with positive energy, there are angels who will take care of you and a sick family member, do not give up, and think that everything will be fine. That things settle for something.