Prayer To Valentine’s Day To Get Along Wonderfully With Your Partner

Prayer To Valentine's Day To Get Along Wonderfully With Your Partner

When things get difficult in the relationship, it is extremely important to resort to prayer to Valentine’s Day to get along wonderfully with your partner

When peace and tranquility leave the relationship, conflicts, fights and the desire to get out of it begin to arrive, it is at that moment when you must resort to the powerful prayer to Valentine’s Day to get along wonderfully with your partner.

Remember that it is inevitable that there are no differences between you, since you are two people who think differently, however you can live in harmony if you know the prayer to Valentine’s Day to get along wonderfully with your partner.

Prayer to Valentine’s Day to get along wonderfully with your partner. Photo: Pexels

Pronouncing it with great faith and using excellent communication will make your relationship successful, long-lasting and above all healthy.

Oh worthy Valentine
that you gave us a real lesson in Christian life
led to heroism, to martyrdom
even the fullest identification with Christ

You who were gifted with virtue and wisdom
and that because of your great charity you deserved to be called the father of the poor
and anguished, and by wonders and miracles
What did you do? You got everyone’s approval.

You who gave blessings to so many marriages
and that is why you are the patron saint of lovers
and you are the protector of homes and conjugal love,
I want to beg your help, intercede with the Blessed Mary
and his adored Son Jesus to bless my union and grant me:

May we always be aware of each other
and that we treat each other with love and attention

That the big and small differences
do not lead us to heartbreak and crisis

That between us there is always a balance
so that disagreements do not increase

That the dislikes and disappointments do not change
our goals and aspirations

That passion and coexistence
be always present in our life

May our thoughts be positive
so that communication and understanding are mutual

That jealousy, authentic or unfounded, does not disturb our love
and we never think or want to be unfaithful

That envy, evil, resentment or jealousy of other people
they can never separate and damage our love

That material, labor and economic problems
are not a cause of estrangement, and we can handle and resolve them together

May we enjoy health to fully live our love

Valentine make the love and union that we feel today
may it be forever and nothing will ever separate us and especially, give me your assistance to:

(Explain the intention here)

Valentine, pray for us, take us under your protection
and reach us the path of true life
so that we may one day enjoy eternal goods

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your son who with you
and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns in unity,
and it is God, forever and ever. Amen

A father of ours

A Hail Mary

A glory