Recommendations that will help you avoid infection by hepatitis

Recommendations that will help you avoid infection by hepatitis

Being able to deal with hepatitis is possible, you just have to follow some simple recommendations; however, once you are a carrier of this disease, you have to put yourself in the hands of the experts

Hepatitis is a disease that can easily be spread , that’s why we must learn how to avoid it, and for this we must start by understanding it, so we must understand that everything that ends in "itis" is inflammation , like arthritis , gastritis, hepatitis or conjunctivitis; Now, how do we avoid contagion?

Among the ailments caused by this disease we find abdominal pain , high fever, very strong pain in the liver area, change in the color of urine and a more yellowish color in the skin and eyes. A good way to know if you have an inflamed liver is by paying attention to these two things.

Stand in front of the mirror and preferably without a shirt, stand in profile and see if your belly is out, such a simple action can indicate that you are having a hepatitis problem; you can also approach the mirror and see if your sclera are stained yellow, as this is another of the classic signs that also indicate a liver problem . Be that as it may, the consultation with the doctor should not be missing.

Currently, there are several types of hepatitis , for example hepatitis B, C, A, D and autoimmune hepatitis. Now, what recommendations can we carry out to avoid contagion? Below we are going to share some recommendations that the World Health Organization (WHO) has to prevent the massive spread of this disease.

Avoid buying sliced ​​fruit, wash your hands constantly with soap and water, do not touch your nose, eyes and mouth without first washing your hands, hygiene is very important, avoid buying food from street vendors and be careful not to have contact with people who are carriers of this disease.

Regarding vaccines, the WHO suggests that children should be vaccinated against hepatitis preferably before 24 hours of birth; Likewise, after the first dose, it must be reinforced with three more doses during the first year of life.