Ritual To Attract Money In Desperate Cases

Ritual To Attract Money In Desperate Cases

To perform this ritual you must bear in mind that it has to be done with great faith, sometimes there are difficult cases but not impossible to perform.

If you need money, we share the correct way to do the ritual of good fortune so that the beings of light help you to solve your economic problem soon. The ritual experts explain you step by step what you have to do.

To begin with, it should be done at night, but there are some things that you have to fill with energy with the sun. You need 7 coins, these must be put in the sun from 10 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon, you let them charge with energy.

Then you are going to have to light a yellow, a blue and a green candle, you must light them, then you are going to place the seven coins in the center of the candles. Now, each coin that you place you must repeat the following:

Ritual to attract money in desperate cases. Photo: Pixabay

"Today is a special day so that everything that I lack reaches my life, mainly money, beings of light, I ask for this request to be fulfilled, since I feel desperate in these moments of my life, from my heart , I swear that what I ask is a just cause, amen. "

Therefore it will be seven times as many as you say them. If you are wondering what denomination the coins should be, they can be anyone. Let a few moments pass and close your eyes, visualize that you solve everything that worries you at that moment.

Now you must say a prayer to your guardian angel. You let this job sit overnight. The next day you are going to bury these coins in a pot in your house. It is one of the most powerful rituals out there, even though it is too simple to perform.

We share a second ritual with you, but this is to harmonize your life, you just have to put a copal incense at the entrance of your house, you light it while you clean little by little. And you pray our Father, prayer is very powerful and against that nothing and no one can. The faith that you have is the magnitude and the force with which you impact in this ritual to harmonize.