Sends child to face-to-face classes despite having Covid-19

Sends child to face-to-face classes despite having Covid-19

Despite the fact that he had tested positive for covid-19, a father decided to send his son to face-to-face classes, causing 80 students to go into quarantine in the United States

In the midst of the debate that has arisen in Mexico regarding the return to face- to- face classes , a story has made all those who agree that students return to classrooms for the next school year 2021-2022 to think. Since a father sent his son to face-to-face classes, causing 80 students to be isolated.

The subject did not care that his son could infect his classmates and even knowing that he was a carrier of the virus, he sent him to school. Father sends his son infected with Covid-19 to school, 80 students have to isolate themselves.

This case happened on the first day of school. According to the Washoe County Health District , both the father and the child had tested positive for coronavirus two days before returning to face-to-face classes. The more than 80 exposed students returned to distance classes from Tuesday to serve quarantine at home.

Return to face-to-face classes. Photo: Unsplash

Given this, in a letter, the principal of Marce Herz High School, Brandon Bringshurst, asked parents that if their children have completed the vaccination schedule, they can return to face-to-face classes in the following days. Similarly, affected students can take a Covid-19 test and if they are negative, they can also return to school.

On the other hand, at the request of the school district, the information of the student and his parents, who decided to deny any communication with Marce Herz High School, will be anonymous.

We are not looking to invest our limited resources in bringing charges against parents at this time. We seek the cooperation of members of our community

Finally, according to what was published in the Las Vegas Sun, the school district in northern Nevada asked parents for their cooperation with investigations into the presence of Covid-19 in children who attend classes in person.

It is imperative that we collect positive case information to reduce transmission in the community