Tricks to lengthen the eyelashes and show off some big eyes

Tricks to lengthen the eyelashes and show off some big eyes

There are treatments that also work for men, that is why the tricks to lengthen the eyelashes will make them look big like women

It is said that the eyebrows are the frame of the face, but definitely what the eyes can express is fascinating, that is why long eyelashes play a great role in obtaining big eyes.

Although men in general do not paint their eyelashes like women, it is good to know some tricks to lengthen them and make those very beautiful natural eyes look.

They can focus on the clothing, but even wearing the best or worst outfit, if we talk about love this is reflected in the look, in those big eyes that the eyelashes frame.

Tricks to lengthen the eyelashes and show off big eyes. Photo: Pixabay

That is why En Pareja presents you with some tricks to lengthen your eyelashes, home remedies and more that you can add to your daily routine to strengthen them and stay firm.

It is natural that some eyelashes fall out and as all the rest of the hair that we have on the body grows, there are accidents that cause them to be pulled out such as enchinadores, burns or others, but in most cases they come out again.

Take care of them

First, we must do our part, for example when we put on makeup during the day, we must remove the mascara when sleeping since being rigid they can break with movements when sleeping.

Apply petroleum jelly or oil

With clean eyelashes, at night you can apply a little Vaseline or olive oil to the root of the eyelashes with a cotton swab or softener with a sponge and sleep the next day, remove with the face wash, you can also put a little tea of camomile.

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Castor oil or almonds

To remove make-up, you can use a little castor or almond oil on a sponge or cotton, passing slowly from one side to the other and following the growth of the eyelashes, this will strengthen them.

Update mascara

Most beauty products are valid for one year, so if after this time you continue to remove every last drop of mascara this can affect your lashes, it is better to invest in a new one and make sure they are not mistreated.


This is something that strengthens them and makes them grow since you are stimulating the root, also by giving it some light massages, in many places they sell brushes which you can bring with you and brush them from the root points apart that will separate them and you will look better.

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The reality, like face treatments or others, everything has an effect with perseverance, so even having the most expensive treatment to lengthen them or the cheapest they will work depending on the desire to achieve the goal.