When will the crescent gibbous moon be seen that governs our emotions

When will the crescent gibbous moon be seen that governs our emotions

The Waxing Gibbous Moon is going to give us many characteristics that have to do with our emotions, so it becomes one of the elements of the sky that has the most influence on feelings.

The Waxing Gibbous Moon is about to be seen in the sky, which according to astrologers is in charge of governing how we feel . She will be the one responsible for the outburst of emotions , so in case you feel with several mixed feelings, you already have someone to blame.

This moon gives us many characteristics that have to do with our emotions, which is why it becomes one of the elements of the sky that has the most influence on our hearts. In this sense, knowing the lunar cycle will help us guide and understand all the processes we go through. In the case of the Waxing Gibbous Moon, it corresponds to the fourth lunar phase.

It is important to point out that the cycle of the Moon lasts approximately 28 days, in which it is illuminated from different points, which will allow us to see certain parts of it as the month progresses.

In this phase prior to the Full Moon, which corresponds from day 8 to 11 of the lunar cycle, we can see the luminary filling up more and more, leaving only a small strip of darkness.

As I mentioned before, during this stage the moon is already filling in its last half, so the darkness is getting less and less. It is of utmost importance that you focus your intentions, because the constructive time of the cycle is ending.

Full Moon themed photo. Photo: Unsplash
Full Moon themed photo. Photo: Unsplash

These four days are to focus all our goals, before the time of manifestation that corresponds to the Full Moon arrives. It is at this time when it is advisable to be honest, in order to understand that our purposes must be so realistic and feasible, because otherwise, they will not give us the fruits that we so much hope for.

It is in this phase when we will have the momentum we need to succeed and we will feel that all our goals are aligned. There is very little left to cross the finish line and we only have to ensure the success of all our plans. In the end, all the work will pay off and tell us: things must mature, with perseverance and planning.

In the event that at this time you feel that your plans are on hold, stop worrying, it may be the energy of this phase and that is when you have to think about the aforementioned: everything takes time. The seeds grow underground before sprouting above the ground and that will happen in these days.

That is why you should know the activities recommended by Lindsay Squire in her book "Natural Magic" and thus take better advantage of the energy of this lunar phase.

  • Focus on activities that promote self-care and healing
  • Do rituals that have a lot to do with self-esteem
  • Performs manifestation and meditation magic
  • work on your growth
  • Write realistic goals and refine them as much as you can
  • It occupies spells of attraction of money and wealth.