Why do you always fall in love with a slob man

Why do you always fall in love with a slob man

There are patterns that a woman repeats, such as always falling in love with a jerk man, get ready to know why this happens

A woman who chooses a jerk man to be in her life is because she has not known how to handle her emotions well and has been repeating experiences where she is deceived and believes that it is normal for a man to treat her that way.

If that man is a womanizer, you know that he is a jerk since you met him and even so you decide to have a relationship with him, you are prone to your life being a disaster and your self-esteem, lower than ever. Why do you always fall in love with a jerk?

It must be said, from the moment the woman decides to be with that jerk, it is because her self-esteem is already low or null. If you want to know what causes you to always fall in love with a jerk , take note of the causes and their effects, as well as important tips to raise your self-esteem.

There is a blindfold on the woman who falls in love with a jerk. photo: Pixabay

A woman who falls in love with a loutish man turns that love into something toxic, into an addiction that she cannot control unless she receives help or has a lot of will power to understand what that person causes her harm.

Sometimes they are blindfolded and they do not see that they are on a path with thorns, that love is nowhere to be seen, only in their imagination. They go bumping in life, suffering, receiving pain instead of love and peace in their life.

A jerk man does not know about commitments , they do not know how to give love, only contempt and make women believe that they are nothing without their presence. Sometimes a woman in the desire to keep it, they think they can change it and turn him into an exemplary man, but let’s face it, no one is there to change anyone.

A tip for this type of toxic relationship is that you should not allow your heart to fill with emotional emptiness, where there are no signs that there is harmony, and that you have a beautiful man in your life, better go against yourself, that thought you have about love, change it, read some books on self-improvement.

Seek help and start loving yourself more, be a woman with brave decisions, even if you feel that you are leaving the love of your life, you do not have to stay in a place where you are not important to anyone.

Do not stay in that relationship where you think you are a superhero, who will change to a jerk. Be realistic, if that man cheats on you, ignores you, does not caress you with love and humiliate you, you are definitely emotionally and psychologically wrong.

Seek professional help and fulfill yourself as a woman by eliminating everything that makes you bad.