Signs That You Are A Controlling Person With Your Partner

Signs That You Are A Controlling Person With Your Partner

Has your partner ever told you that you want to rule in his life? If you haven’t noticed, analyze the signals and discover why you are controlling

We have talked about when couples want to rule in our lives and become extremely controlling, however we have not addressed when the opposite happens, do you check your boyfriend’s cell phone? Do you ask him where he was and with whom? Do you call him every so often to know his movements?

If you answered two of the questions in a positive way, perhaps the controlling person is you and you are in a denial stage in which you have already excused yourself from your behavior, surely your boyfriend has also told you that you suffocate him or that you want to rule his life completely, have you ever wondered why he tells you?

Falling into the urgent need to control each and every one of the movements of your boyfriend or partner makes you fall into one of the types of toxic relationships that you should avoid but that for some reason you have settled in, do you want more signs? Here are some for you to verify that you are a controlling person with your partner :

Signs that you are a controlling person with your partner. Photo: Pexels

You constantly criticize . You tell him not to dress in a certain way, you have comments for each part of his appearance, you are all the time dissatisfied with his way of being, if you do not accept your partner as he is, why are you with him?

You condition your love. Any show of affection is a perfect excuse to manipulate it and get something you want, selfishness is a part that defines controlling people.How selfish are you?

Using blame or blackmail . Everything that happens in the relationship, especially bad, is your partner’s fault, you hide behind the supposed unconditional love that you have for him and that you would not harm that relationship.

Signs that you are a controlling person with your partner. Photo: Pexels

Wanting to know who the people around you are. You seek to meet everyone that your partner knows or frequents and when you meet someone unknown, an interrogation comes about how they know him.

Take away your privacy . The worst thing that a person can do to another who claims to love is to invade their privacy, control their social networks, their phone and even their time constitutes a lack of respect and trust against your partner. If you really love him, don’t try to control his life, talk to him if they have problems.