Zumba Steps For Beginners And Lose Weight Fast

Zumba Steps For Beginners And Lose Weight Fast

What better way to exercise and achieve that dream figure than to the rhythm of good music, with a lot of energy, lose those extra kilos.

If exercising is not your thing, maybe a little rhythm and atmosphere will encourage you, with these Zumba steps for beginners, you can lose weight quickly , say goodbye to those extra pounds and improve your figure, in addition to your health. , What are you waiting for?

Music is universal and makes even those who do not know dance, but it also brings the great benefit of losing weight if you take it as an exercise, manage to eliminate the love handles with these Zumba steps for beginners.

Zumba is the fitness discipline that was a success in the 80’s and that to this day, is still practiced for its effectiveness, its purpose is to help maintain a healthy body and to develop, strengthen and give flexibility to the body.

You can see: 3 squats for big glutes and molded legs.

Zumba steps for beginners and lose weight fast. Photo: Pexels.

Zumba is worked through dance movements in combination with aerobic routines, so you will no longer have a pretext for not achieving that goal of looking slimmer, get that exceptional figure.

Warm-up steps

As in all physical activity, before starting it, you have to warm up to avoid cramps or some other injuries, for that, stretch your legs, go up and down steps, take small jumps opening and closing your legs and arms, turn your head from one side to the other. other. You can start dancing to a song that is not so moved.

Steps to the rhythm of meringue

The merengue is a rhythm that is contagious and what better than to start with a song of this genre, this will allow you to take small steps, here you must also move your arms in a circle at the waist, do not lose the rhythm, let it lead your feet.

Steps in V

What you will do in this Zumba step is stand up, step forward, but diagonally, return to the starting point, do a squat and then go forward to the opposite side of the first, as if you were forming a "V "invisible with your feet.

Steps to the rhythm of cha cha cha

With these steps applied to zumba, you will be able to strengthen the glutes when doing aerobics with squats, when you take a lateral step to the rhythm of the music, perform a push-up with your legs, in addition to doing a movement with your arms, thus toning and strengthening the back.

Combine zumba with some abs

Get on the floor on a mat and with a lot of discipline do a series of sit-ups, for that, what you must do is make the stomach part hard and do the exercise, if you cannot hold the complete series, do it only as far as you can go.