Ritual to clean your house and receive the month with positive energy

Ritual to clean your house and receive the month with positive energy

At the beginning of the month do this ritual with which you will clean your house and it will be ready to receive the new energies of the month with love, health and prosperity.

The arrival of a new month brings with it new energies that can help your house to have love, prosperity and health, to receive them you must clean your house, you are going to purify the aura and with it you will keep the environment protected, it is very easy to do and today we tell you how.

Many times when we return from the street we carry all the negative energy that may be outside, for the same reason it is important that your home is clean , every first week of the month do this cleaning that will also provide protection against envy and root out all damn.

To do this cleaning, we will teach you how to make an aura cleaning spray for your home and family, the time in which it is recommended to do this spray and cleaning your house is at noon because the energies are at their maximum splendor, concentrate and attract them to your house.

For this protective spray you will need:

1 glass spray bottle
Incense of your choice (we recommend sandalwood or rosemary)
3 cloves
sun water
5 drops of rosemary essential oil or dried rosemary
1 blue candle.

Ritual to clean your house and receive the month with positive energy. Photo: Unsplash
Ritual to clean your house and receive the month with positive energy. Photo: Unsplash

To make your sun water, you must leave a bottle of water in the sun for a few hours ; start your ritual by lighting your candle with a wooden match, in front of it, you are going to clean your jar with the smoke of the incense, place the sage, the cloves and the water of the sun, then add the drops of essential oil of rosemary or dried rosemary.

Shake the jar and let it sit for three hours, in front of your candle. Repeat the prayer "My energy protects me" , with this you will decree a powerful protection for the spray, to use it spray all over your house while you decree the prayer and end with an Our Father, let the normal candle burn.

Light another two with incense to end the protection and decree from within for it to work . You can use the spray on each member of your family. Don’t forget to concentrate to attract positive energy and keep the spray in a cool place. where it does not get sunlight.