Men Mature Nearly 50, 20 Years Later Than Women

Men Mature Nearly 50, 20 Years Later Than Women

Some women feel that they are with immature men in most of their relationships. Do men really mature later than women?

Many times women see themselves in relationships in which they are the mature ones , so some women feel more mature than men in a relationship.

Although it is true that there are exceptions, most of the time men tend to have a more immature attitude towards life than their female counterpart.

Men mature shortly before their 50s , while women mature 20 years earlier, according to a survey conducted by Nickelodeon where they showed that men mature after 43 years.

The man reaches maturity after the woman. Photo: Pixabay

Why is it that men mature in their early 50s and women shortly after 30 ? Well, there are several reasons why men tend to mature later than women.

You can read: What only an immature couple asks of you in the relationship

Among the physical reasons, we have the fact that women generally reach physical and sexual maturation at an earlier age than men, so they must learn to deal with these changes at a younger age than they do, which is what you carry. to mature emotionally and psychologically faster according to a study published by the University of Oxford .

In addition to this, the brain of women generally finishes developing at an earlier age than men, since in them the hormonal changes that they experience earlier make their brain reach its adult configuration much more quickly than men .

Rearing is important to reach maturity. Photo: Pixabay

Another important aspect is the environment in which men and women tend to develop. For the most part, boys and girls are raised based on certain roles that depend on sex.

In this way, girls are raised to be demure, to be protective of their loved ones, and to be diligent in household chores, upbringing that causes them to focus on more homelike aspects than men.

For their part, men are often bred to develop individualistic and competitive attitudes . These differences in parenting can cause differences in the degree of maturity when making decisions in some important situations.

Currently, these differences are beginning to blur as the gap in the tasks that both sexes do is closing little by little.

The next time you have to deal with an immature man in a relationship, be it friendship, work or romantic, keep in mind that maybe that is the case and he has not even realized it. However, one or two discreet and well-given advice is always well taken by anyone.