Tips For Solo Travelers

Tips For Solo Travelers

For those who prefer tranquility and peace when discovering new places, these tips for solo travelers will be of great help.

Holidays are not for everyone a time of wakefulness, parties or extreme adventures, on the contrary, they represent the ideal time to spend time with themselves, discover new places and enjoy them in a calm way. They put the advice for solo travelers into practice .

For some people, the idea of ​​a great vacation might include activity-packed days with excursions and nights to soak up the nightlife of a destination. However, if you are an introvert (like me) and prefer quieter activities or need time to recover after dealing with people all day, then you might think otherwise.

Some tips are special for solo travelers. Photo: Pexels

Perhaps, like Susan Cain, the author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, you would rather spend a beach vacation reading a book than partying on a cruise ship.

"Introverts feel ‘great’ with less stimulation, like when they drink wine with a close friend, solve crossword puzzles, or read a book," writes Cain, a self-proclaimed introvert. "Extroverts enjoy the added buzz of activities like meeting new people, skiing down slippery slopes, and listening to loud music."

Keeping your personality type in mind when planning a trip can result in a more enjoyable experience for all participants, whether you’re traveling alone, with your outgoing friends, or with your partner. Here are some tips to consider.

Separate (at least a little)

Being on the same trip does not mean that you should do everything together. Communicating your personal preferences with your travel group is a very important first step.

"Come to an agreement in advance on how you will travel together," Cain said in a recent interview. For couples of an introvert and an extrovert, it’s okay to separate (temporarily) to focus on the things you both enjoy doing.

“If one of you loves to visit cafes and explore the streets of a new city, and the other prefers to visit as many places and meet as many locals as possible, there is nothing set in stone that says you should do those things together all time. They can agree to spend their mornings or afternoons apart, for example, and get together for a spectacular dinner, ”said Cain.

There are also activities that both introverts and extroverts can enjoy, at least for part of the day.

“When we travel to other cities, my husband and I like to spend many hours sitting in a cafeteria watching people go by. It’s almost like doing something and almost just sitting and watching. If they can add an hour or two of those kinds of activities in the middle of the day, maybe they can recharge for the afternoon itinerary, ”said Sophia Dembling, author of several books on introversion, including The Introvert’s Way: Living a Quiet Life in a Noisy World.

"Parks are a good idea too," added Dembling. "There are many activities, but you don’t necessarily have to participate in them."

Many people prefer to enjoy solitude. Photo: Pexels

You travel alone? Everything is relative

While introverts can share many of the same traits, such as wanting to spend a lot of time "with themselves," there are no rules that apply to all of them. One might suppose that solo trips would appeal to all introverts, but there are aspects of solo trips that align better with extroverts.

"I have never been attracted to unaccompanied trips and some of the people I know and who like these types of tours the most are extroverts, who are very happy to make a new group of friends in all the cities they visit," he said. Cain.

However, solo travel can also be perfect for those seeking the personal freedom they allow.

"I really love feeling that freedom and scheduling my time when I travel alone," Dembling said. "You learn little tricks to make yourself more comfortable, like eating early before a restaurant fills up with couples and groups, or eating at the bar, which can be a sociable activity."

If you are traveling alone, there are certain activities that can keep you feeling connected but not exhausted.

“Small group tours can work well; like programs, like places where you can go to learn a language or a skill, like cooking a new kind of dish. These experiences generally allow you to be in the company of other people, but also have a lot of time for yourself, "said Cain.

Be a solo traveler. Photo: Pexels

Location is important

Cancun, with its beach vibe and vibrant nightlife, is not for everyone, especially when it comes to the majority of introverts. Having said that, one type of destiny may seem attractive to one introvert, but not to another.

“I don’t think there is an ideal type of destination. Introverts are all kinds of people with all kinds of interests. I love cities, but I also like being in the middle of nowhere, ”Dembling said.

However, most introverts are likely to enjoy a place that can offer opportunities to recuperate after being around people, or activities that allow quiet contemplation even in crowds.

"I love San Miguel de Allende, in Mexico," said Cain. "It has beautiful architecture, it is full of artists and galleries, and it is quite friendly, but it is also an ideal place to dream and hang out in a square or a cafe."

Dembling is drawn to what she calls "real" cities over and above the more obvious tourist destinations.

“My favorite among the cities I have visited is Rome, I find it exciting: a real place with real people living authentic lives. It is a wonderful place to people watch and there are also amazing antiques wherever you turn, ”said the writer.