Actions That Betray A Man Lost In Love

Actions That Betray A Man Lost In Love

These are some actions that will make it clear that a man is madly in love and will always seek the well-being and happiness of the woman who has won his heart.

It is said that love cannot be hidden, however sometimes we show it in a very different way than those shown in love movies or series, that’s why we go unnoticed. For this reason you must know the actions that show that a man is madly in love.

Most people want to find the perfect partner, the one who gives without limits and unconditionally. A love that is capable of crossing borders and makes the heart vibrate with joy and above all that gives us peace and well-being . The actions that show that a man is madly in love will make it clear to you.

Perhaps that love may diminish over the years, but it will never disappear if it is true love. Remember that love is a subjective feeling, which for some may have a different definition. For some it will be found in the details of the other and for others in the words. However, the things that most people who really love do are the following:

Actions that betray a man madly in love. Photo: Pexels

He does not want to change you: Walter Riso, doctor of psychology and author of many books related to couple relationships, explains that true love lies in accepting the loved one as he is, with all his errors, defects, weaknesses and also virtues, lifestyle and customs.

Love is not about wanting the partner to be the way we want it, but about appreciating their interior, the shape of their personality and accepting each of their defects. That’s what true love is all about, understanding that we are all imperfect.

Trust yourself: Many people think that jealousy is a faithful way of showing that you love someone, and there may be a bit of reason in that, as long as it does not harm the physical and mental integrity of the other person. When jealousy is possessive, the kind that does not let you be who you are, represses you or generates anguish, then there is no trust or true love. When a person loves unconditionally, they will always trust their partner.

You are his priority: True love is shown when the well-being of that person is above that of others. Their actions will always be consistent to demonstrate safety, protection and empathy. Sometimes the couple will be able to sacrifice their own well-being as long as the loved one is happy.

Do not mistreat: Some couples have the bad habit of expressing their discomfort in a critical way, this is as a way of communicating to the loved one when things are damaging the coexistence. However, when these comments are damaging the other person’s self-esteem, personality and emotional integrity, then it is not true love.

In true love there is no room for physical or psychological abuse. When the couple truly loves they will find the best way to communicate without hurting or hurting the feelings of the other.

Respect: This not only refers to not yelling, insulting or attacking the loved one with words and actions. It is about making the other person feel valued, heard and loved. Understand your needs, interests, and concerns. In other words, accepting each of the qualities and differences that exist, as well as the weaknesses and virtues. To be able to reach agreements that benefit coexistence and try not to humiliate and especially not to judge.