Horoscope May 7, 2021 Jealous signs end their relationship

Horoscope May 7, 2021 Jealous signs end their relationship

Know what the stars have in store this Friday, May 7, 2021, there are jealous signs that end their relationship without giving the right to reply.

Luck can play with unexpected cards and even cloud the mind so as not to see beyond, causing unimaginable situations, today’s horoscope May 07, 2021 indicates that there are jealous signs that end their relationship without giving that person a chance. They love to give a single explanation.

With the energy of the Moon and the Universe conspiring only in favor of some, others can be seen unprotected in romantic matters, because today’s horoscope May 07, 2021 predicts that there are jealous signs that end their relationship because they will see something that they will not like it, but without giving them the opportunity to tell them if what they see is true or if they are only imagining it.

Don’t hesitate to let things flow, sooner or later everything falls into place, so don’t worry, but try to control your jealousy and don’t let gossip torment you, when it comes to your relationship, you know your partner and you realize perfectly if what he tells you and what he swears to you is true, take things with caution and don’t get upset.

Horoscope today May 07, 2021 Jealous signs end their relationship. Photo: Pexels

ARIES: This day will be full of surprises for you, what you have to do is try to control your nerves and prepare to discover something that you already suspected, but now it will be confirmed, remember that the world does not end there, you must be very strong.

TAURUS: Stop feeling bad for something you didn’t do, don’t carry the sorrows of others and stay away from those people who are only draining your positive energy, whether it’s a family member or your partner, if they don’t add you, don’t subtract. .

GEMINI : Do not let yourself be tormented by those loves of the past who did not want to stay by your side, it is time for you to turn the page and only focus on what really matters, someone will soon arrive who does love you well and for something I laughed.

CANCER: Don’t worry about those gossips that gossip around your relationship, there are only people who are envious that you are happy, but you don’t have to give importance to that, you do things right and keep letting others talk .

LEO : Be careful with that friend who hangs around your house very often, because he is not really interested in your friendship, but he may be wanting to make a very heavy move on you, you must understand that not all those who call themselves your friends are actually friends. truth.

VIRGO: When you want advice or feel unprotected, approach your partner, she gives you all the peace and encouragement you need to get ahead, feel supported by the people who love you, you will soon get out of that problem.

LIBRA: Singleness could soon come to an end, only today worry about getting ready, about looking good since there will be someone willing to conquer you, you just have to give him the opportunity to show you that he deserves a chance by your side.

SCORPIO: If you want things to continue flowing as they have until now in your relationship, you should worry about giving them more time, listening, giving their place, remember that love must be watered every day.

SAGITTARIUS: If you have a boyfriend, you must be careful that jealousy does not cause uncomfortable situations, since there is a friend or acquaintance who will be very affectionate with your partner and that will make you angry, but you must learn to control those impulses and take everything calmly.

CAPRICORN: Accept that date with the person who is insisting on you, know and define if you want to try it or definitely remain single, if you decide to give yourself the opportunity to love, then you will have to put your best effort.

AQUARIUS: Do not stay with your arms crossed in the face of the love situation you are experiencing, if your partner tells you that he is tired of things not working, you should try to put order, find a solution, but between the two of you.

PISCES: Your marriage must be very well taken care of, you can carry out some activity that strengthens your relationship, such as going to dinner or planning a trip, do not allow the spark of love to go out between you.