I write to you to tell you that I miss you, my love

I write to you to tell you that I miss you my love

I don’t know whether to turn off the light or not, anyway my world has no color without you

" I am writing this letter to you to tell you that I miss you , that I have not been able to get ahead of my emotions, that I wander through the corridors of my house looking for your smell, the one that when I woke up was always present.

I do not know who to say "hello my love good morning ", I believe in my life there is no time anymore, the minute and second hand have been paralyzed, just the day you left my life, I think I have not cut my beard for more than three months.

I do not remember the last time I went for a walk to the beach, it is not that I no longer want to do anything because everything reminds me of you, I need you so much! Sometimes in my madness of having you by my side again, I turn on the television to believe that someone talks to me.

True love does exist .. So much so that it is missed. Photo: Pixabay

Suddenly I scream as if you were in the kitchen listening to me, "My love smells delicious what you cook", but they are nothing more than the ghosts that my mind creates, which disappear and again that silence of loneliness is heard.

My life, I know that I promised you, that I would be fine if you left, but I tell you something, that night in the hospital, that I was holding your hand and that you told me "Be strong if I go away", and I with simulated bravery told you yes.

But the truth is that I would have loved to go with you, I cursed a thousand times that cancer that tore you from me, you left my beloved, and I am left alone, alone in the world. Although I must tell you that our children visit me almost daily.

"Daddy take a shower, daddy shave, daddy you have to leave the house", that’s what they tell me, but what am I going to do just walking through the streets without your company my love. They have proposed that I sell the house, because they have seen me too downcast and they believe that a new place to live will help me.

And I have told them no, that I am staying here, where with effort and love we build each piece of this house. I know my attitude will make you angry, after the promise I made to you, but I just want one day to sleep and wake up next to you, my love.

I miss you so much, too much, I say goodbye, I want to tell you that I never knew that heaven was near, until you arrived.

I love you, your always husband ROY. "

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