Meaning That Your Partner Kisses You Piquito

Meaning That Your Partner Kisses You Piquito

If you are one of the lucky ones that you receive many peck kisses from your partner, you have to know that this has a very special meaning, so you are on the right track

Kisses are a fundamental part of a sentimental relationship, there are tender kisses and others very passionate, but when a man only gives you tender kisses, many women wonder why, at first it may not cause you surprise but when you do not receive another kind of a kiss more than that of a piquito, there comes the question of what its meaning will be.

Most women are passionate, romantic, outgoing, fun and looking for a man with whom they can share many adventures, and of course they want their love to be reciprocated, but sometimes certain attitudes can question whether the man you are with going out feels the same about you.

Surely you have experienced some types of kisses and you will have your favorites, it all depends on the situation in which you find yourself with the couple, because even some psychologists affirm that kisses have the primary function in the perpetuation of the human species since they help us to survive for different reasons, such as for example by strengthening ties with other individuals, but what about a kiss as simple as the peck kiss? Here we tell you.

When your partner gives you a "peck" kiss, which is when the lips of the two people come into contact, it may mean that he wants to go little by little, however, it is usually a sign of physical attraction between two people, the kiss of Piquito is usually very fast, so it is also used to comfort the couple, to say hello and to say goodbye.

Photo: Pexels

On the other hand, with this type of kiss, the mouth and eyes are closed, so the kiss is quick, this type of contact occurs before starting a relationship or at the beginning of it as a test to see if There is more chemistry between two people that gives rise to other types of kisses, now that if your husband of several years ago continues to give you this type of kiss, it means a quick "Hello" or "Goodbye."

Because it is quick, easy and short, it lasts less than two seconds, and is widely used by married couples, for most of them this is a way of saying "Good morning" or "Have a good day at the work ", it also means" I am thinking of you "and" I care about you ", so even though it is simple it has a very special meaning.

If you live with your partner, it is best to get into the habit of giving a peck kiss before going to sleep, or when they get up in the morning, it is also very important to say goodbye to the couple with this type of kisses before they go to work because remember that it is one of the easiest ways to show affection in times when you do not have much time.