Ritual of San Juan so that your hair grows healthy

Ritual of San Juan so that your hair grows healthy

With the energy of Saint John’s Day we can do various rituals for the things we want, even for our beauty, here is one for our hair

Pagan tradition ensures that on this Saint John’s Day, things that were once enchanted become disenchanted and that anything can happen, that’s why there are also rituals to ask for many things, the energy of this day is so positive and magical that achieves everything we ask with faith.

We can perform numerous rituals on this Saint John’s Day, for good luck, love, abundance and even for beauty, the energy is so powerful that, for example, we can make our hair grow faster and healthier, that’s why We share the following powerful ritual.

Your ally in this ritual will be a plant, the most fertile you have at home because it will dictate how much it can grow, so choose wisely, your hair will grow so much that you will be the envy of all, do not forget that you must also give it the precise care to keep it beautiful and full of health.

For this ritual, first you are going to buy scissors to cut hair that you are going to consecrate in the crescent moon, you just have to leave them overnight in a window or outside where the rays of this moon hit the scissors, once consecrated your scissors, this Saint John’s Day straightens your hair perfectly.

Ritual of San Juan so that your hair grows healthy. Photo: Unsplash
Ritual of San Juan so that your hair grows healthy. Photo: Unsplash

Divide your hair in half and cut one of the halves first, as far as you want, press with your fingers and cut firmly with the scissors, define your cut well and continue with the other half, in this way you will give it a “ U”, from the back.

Do not throw the hair that you cut, because it will depend on it, the growth, when you have finished cutting, on a piece of kitchen paper or napkin , put the hair that you cut and fold it, do you remember the plant that you should choose? There you are going to deposit it, remember that it must be a fertile plant so that your hair grows along with it.

Do this ritual every year and you will have long, silky and very beautiful hair, do not use scissors except for the ritual and take care of your hair as it should be, trim it every 6 months, put a nourishing mask on it and if you are going to bleach it, do not forget to protect it.