The Worst Message You Can Send To Your Boyfriend After A Fight

The Worst Message You Can Send To Your Boyfriend After A Fight

The moods of the moment can make you write things that you may regret, you should take it easy.

No relationship is saved from having differences, it fights even over the most insignificant, even more serious things, however, you must calm down and avoid the worst message that you can send to your boyfriend after fighting.

If all the "washcloths in the sun" have already been taken out, the least they need is to make the biggest mess, this is the worst message you can send to your boyfriend after fighting, if you send it, you will only make everything worse and never find the solution.

Anger or anger often brings out the worst face in people, but if you don’t want everything to go overboard, then avoid writing the worst message you can send to your boyfriend after a fight, no matter how angry you are.

You can see: 5 things you should do with your partner before the WEDDING.

Worst message
The worst message you can send to your boyfriend after a fight. Photo: Pixabay.

No matter how much love you have, the differences will always be present, but it will depend on your attitude if your relationship manages to overcome the obstacle, or if you get stuck to put an end to your story.

The first thing you should consider is that problems are solved face to face, so that there are no misunderstandings, to observe the reaction of both, the tone of voice and thus get rid of doubts, but in these times, fighting over WhatsApp is typical.

But a mess about the messaging application can be worse, because a failure in a comma, in a sign or something misspelled, can give another meaning to what was meant, even a misinterpretation of an emoji and everything ends in disaster, worse than how they started.

The worst message you can send to your boyfriend after fighting is a complete litany arranging things in your favor, it is best to calm down, do not ignore his messages, just reply that you need your time and space to calm down to find a solution.

Other messages that end up making everything worse, are the classic "It’s not you, it’s me", "I’m confused and I don’t know what I want", "You deserve better than me, we finished", are phrases that end up opening a huge gap between you guys.

The most advisable thing is to not apply ghosting, fight by message and cut all contact with your boyfriend without giving space for more explanations, the viable thing is to find calm, meet again and settle the differences face to face.