Tricks For Your Nails To Grow Fast And Strong

Tricks For Your Nails To Grow Fast And Strong

Do you eat your nails? Do you have brittle nails? These tricks will help you show off the nails of your dreams

In a woman there are many important aspects that make her look beautiful, from her hair, her smile, her makeup to the power of the good presentation of her hands. Well-groomed nails speak volumes about her. How to make them grow?

That has been one of the questions that a woman asks herself and who tirelessly looks for how to have them long and beautiful. There are women who have to invest in false nails and it is an expense that somehow reduces the pocket of many.

That is why E n Couple shares some tricks so that your natural nails grow healthy and strong to look spectacular and you can make the decoration that you want, the important thing is to bring them well cared for and neat.

Tricks to grow nails. Photo: Pixabay

Finger exercise

Blood circulation is very important in the hands, that is why it is recommended that you get down to work and start typing more on your keyboard so that the blood reaches the tips of your fingers and stimulates the growth of your nails.

Eat good protein

If your nails are brittle, or do not grow, even though you would love to wear them long, it is because you are probably not consuming protein, and you are on a diet low of it. Eat fish, meat, and nuts, and watch them start to grow quickly.

Rub garlic on nails

You just have to take a garlic, peel it and place it on your nails, carve very well so that it is impregnated little by little. Keep in mind that it is very fragrant and you will have to leave it to act for 15 minutes. Try not to touch anything at the moment for the effect to be effective. Then wash with warm water.

Olive oil

Try to do it after you have bathed and preferably at night. You just take a cotton ball and smear olive oil little by little on your nails and leave them like that, so that they lubricate very well and grow beautiful.

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