What Are Milia Cysts And How To Remove Them From The Face

What Are Milia Cysts And How To Remove Them From The Face

It is also known as miliary acne, these appear under the eyes, they are white spots, we share the secret to eliminate them

Milia cysts are whitish pimples that appear under your eyes, they are hard, these can also sprout on the part of the cheek or chin. These are also called prickly pear acne. These types of small cysts are very common for babies, but it also affects adolescents and adults.

Although the name sounds strong, these Milia cysts are not serious, but they are usually unsightly, and there are several ways to remove them. So calm down that we already explained what you can do to clean your face of these cysts.

Miliary cysts are considered an aesthetic problem, they are not the result of any serious disease at all, this should reassure you, if you see that these cysts appear in any part of your face, small whitish lumps.

Don’t try to squeeze the milia cysts. Photo: Usnplash

Unlike pimples that remain encapsulated under the skin, these cysts are hard, difficult to squeeze, which is why it is recommended that you attend a skin specialist. And in fact these should not be squeezed.

It is known that these milia appear due to a hormonal imbalance, that is why the women who suffer the most are those who are going through the menstrual cycle in pregnancy or are in menopause.

How to remove milia cysts?

Retinol is an important vitamin that helps fight this type of milia, acts as a peel on the skin, in addition to helping the skin to regenerate and makes collagen reproduce faster. Besides that it prevents wrinkles and considerably reduces acne.

It is better to go to the doctor

For no reason should you squeeze a millio, since this silo explodes can damage your skin and you may have a scar, it is better to treat them with a special treatment that the aesthetic doctor or dermatologist applies to you.

Use laser

When these are many, it is better to have the milia removed with laser, the price of this treatment varies according to the country where it is performed.

Peels to prevent

It is recommended that you exfoliate your face with any mask that works for you, this helps you prevent milia.