3 effective ways to eliminate cockroaches from your house

3 effective ways to eliminate cockroaches from your house

Cockroaches are those undesirable insects that no one would ever want to have in their home, but if you have already seen one around your home, you better act immediately

Cockroaches are those undesirable insects that no one wants to have in their home , but if you found signs of their existence inside your home, it is best to find a way to get rid of them , so we share these three effective ways to achieve it .

Cockroaches can cause diseases such as salmonellosis, infectious hepatitis. dysentery. childhood diarrhea, urinary or intestinal infections, inflammation and pus abscesses, so if you noticed their presence inside your house, eliminate them with one of these 3 effective ways that will be very useful to you.

These insects are a problem in terms of health and hygiene, so it is important to keep them far away from your home, here we share some ingredients and the way in which you should use them to eliminate them completely.

Photo: Pexels.

1. Baking soda, salt and vinegar: This first trick will help you eliminate cockroaches if you have already noticed that they come out of the drains you have in the garden or even in your bathroom. What you are going to need is two tablespoons of grain salt, two tablespoons of white vinegar and a little baking soda. What you have to do is place all this in a container.

Once you have the ingredients ready in the container, you are going to stir very well so that everything is mixed, then you are going to place this mixture directly in the strainer where you saw the cockroaches come out, an effervescent reaction must be produced, this will indicate Once the cleaning process has started, make sure to cover the strainer very well during this process so that they cannot escape.

The next day, what you have to do is pour a liter of boiling water into the strainer, being very careful so you don’t burn yourself, and that’s it.

2. Ammonia: Ammonia can be very effective to kill cockroaches once and for all, all you have to do is mop the floor with a little of this product, that is, put a little in the water with which You are going to clean the floor or you can empty the water with the ammonia directly into the drains where you have already noticed that these unwanted insects come out.

3. Boric acid and sugar: For this trick you will need three tablespoons of boric acid and one tablespoon of sugar, all you have to do is get a lid from a jar that you no longer use and place the ingredients that we mentioned, stir very well and place where you know there are cockroaches.