Signs that the man you love is never going to compromise

Signs that the man you love is never going to compromise

These actions will tell you that the relationship you have with that person will not go to the next level

The desire of all women is that the man they love wishes to have a commitment with them, however there are some signals that they send that tell us that they never will. Either because they are afraid of losing their freedom or feel that they are not ready, they will make it clear that they do not want to go to the next level.

It should be noted that many guys fear sharing their life with someone and although some lie saying yes, there are many signs that the man you love will never commit and that waiting for this to happen is a waste of time.

NEVER SPEND VALUABLE TIME WITH YOU. The times they are seen are few. You have realized that he does not have time for you and that special dates or days are spent with other people. Besides he does not take you on his birthday or special occasions with his family and close friends.

This behavior is usually common at the beginning, however when they continue over time, it is the warning sign that you are comfortable with the way the relationship is being lived and you will never commit. You don’t want anyone to know about your relationship.

He is afraid of losing his freedom. Photo: Pexels
He is afraid of losing his freedom. Photo: Pexels

NOT MUCH ROMANCE. He does not make an effort to show his feelings with a nice detail or phrase. In case he does not do something to strengthen the affective bond, there is a very great possibility that he only wants your friendship or spend beautiful moments with you, but does not want to go to a more serious plane.

PLANS ARE ALWAYS LAST MINUTE. When a man doesn’t make plans with you prior to the date, you are surely his second choice among many. This is the clear sign that you are not their priority. And make it clear that after he had no one to go out with, you came to his mind. Usually he just wants to go out with you to go to a bar, a dinner, or have intimate relationships.

COMMUNICATION IS NOT VERY GOOD. Remember that communication is the foundation of all relationships. When someone wants you in their life, they will try to contact you and hear from you frequently. They will also confide in you their fears, intimacies, desires, and goals. Besides, he will want to know everything about you. In the event that communication with you is bad, infrequent and unclear, it is the indicator that it is not yet in his plans to have a serious relationship with you.

They have poor communication. Photo: Freepik
They have poor communication. Photo: Freepik

WHEN THEY HAVE A PROBLEM, IT DOES NOTHING TO SOLVE IT. Many women think that when a man retires after a conflict, it is for fear of making it bigger, however the opposite happens, he may not be in the least interested in solving it. If you are the one who takes the initiative to have contact after a difference, you do everything you can to fix things, it is because it does not matter if you are still together or not.

NEVER SPEAKS ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF A RELATIONSHIP. In case you have been together for a long time and you have never mentioned a relationship, it is because surely all you want is something casual. Sometimes the best way to end these doubts is for you to talk about it and they can express what it is that both of you want. So you can realize what he expects from the relationship.

YOU ARE NOT IN THEIR LONG TERM PLANS. If when they talk about their dreams and medium and long-term goals, they have made it clear that you are not in them, it is because they surely will not see you in their life in the coming years and even months.