Castor oil and other remedies to remove blemishes from the face

Castor oil and other remedies to remove blemishes from the face

As the years go by, the skin is more prone to age spots, the sun or chemicals, we share some of the most important remedies to remove those spots from your face

It is very important to take care of our skin, especially that of the face, as time passes, the skin becomes more prone to spots, whether due to age, the sun or some chemical beauty products.

Fortunately, there are remedies especially to eliminate those spots that suddenly appear on your face, these can be small as if they were moles, others too large and they can look like burns because of the brown color they take.

Castor oil was used a lot by grandparents as an infallible remedy to detoxify the body, since it was efficient as a purgative, it was enough to take a tablespoon for this purpose, this oil has been found to also be used to remove skin blemishes.

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Castor oil and other remedies to remove blemishes from the face. Photo: Pixabay

It is one of the most recognized home remedies in the world, it removes stains just by putting a little bit on it every night. What you have to do is warm the oil a bit and then gently massage your face.

In addition to moisturizing the skin, it helps to deeply cleanse the pores. It is recommended that you mix the castor oil with the olive oil and once the mixture is made, you apply it to the skin little by little, massaging it with your fingertips. You let it act for 20 minutes and voila, you wash your face with warm water.

Baking soda

What you have to do to remove the spots from your skin is to make a mixture of bicarbonate with warm water, this you apply little by little until you see that you have covered your entire face. Once you apply it, you should leave it for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. The bicarbonate removes the dead cells and reactivates the living ones.


You take a cotton ball and wet it with lemon juice, you apply it at night, since if you expose yourself to the sun, it is likely that you will get stains instead of removing them. You apply this lemon juice mask directly and let it act for 8 minutes, rinse and that’s it. Don’t forget to apply a layer of moisturizer.

This mask is delicate, you should not put it in the eye area, and if you notice that it itches too much, immediately wash your face.

Almond and honey

Grind 2 almonds until they become a powder, then add a tablespoon of honey little by little until it is mixed very well, now add the juice of a lemon, now apply it on the face and leave it on for 15 minutes. Then rinse well with warm water and voila, you can do it once a week.