Former academic Toñita clarifies the rumors about Carlos Rivera

Former academic Toñita clarifies the rumors about Carlos Rivera

Rumors start to spread that if a boy is gay or not, it is something completely unacceptable, that is, it is not something undignified, but they are very personal issues that directly affect the person involved

A few hours after it became known that the former academic Toñita, who came out of the first generation of the academy, pointed out to Cynthia Rodríguez as the cause of stopping her musical career, the beautiful woman from Veracruz has given the world something to talk about. refer to whether the boyfriend of the driver of Venge la alegría is gay or not.

Once again, the former academic is involved in controversy for allegedly having doubted Cynthia Rodríguez’s relationship with Carlos Rivera, for which she thought it appropriate to show her face with an explanatory message through her Instagram account; This whole problem arose as a result of the statements he gave to a show called Gossip No Like, in which he accuses Rodríguez and senior officials of Tv Azteca of abuse of power during the recordings of the program "Desafío de estrellas 2" in the that everything was arranged for Cynthia to be the winner.

On other occasions it has been speculated that the relationship that Cynthia has with Carlos is false and that it is only for fame, to which Toñita today has shared a video on her social network Instagram where she puts an end to this question, she clarifies that the expression he used of "Amiga realize", does not mean that Carlos is gay.

Saying ‘friend realize’, forgive me, but I hang out with many gay guys, I have gay friends… I never said Carlos Rivera is gay, Carlos Rivera sleeps with, Carlos did this.

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During the video Toñita says that she has many friends from the LBGT community and that this type of expression is common among them, and that at no time has she insinuated or questioned the singer’s preferences, so she asked that they not put words in his mouth.

Do not put words in my mouth or think for me, what I say I support, what you think is already your anger, not mine.

The interpreter was very reiterative that the words she said should not be misunderstood, because at no time did she state that he, also former academic Carlos Rivera, is gay, what she did maintain once again was that Cynthia Rodríguez stopped her musical career, she also took advantage of the space to clarify that this is not about publicity, since many have pointed out that they want to advertise to promote their single "Castillos in the air" of which they said, they have been working on it since last October.