5 Benefits Of Eating Gelatin For Your Health That You Didn’t Know

5 Benefits Of Eating Gelatin For Your Health That You Didn't Know

Gelatin is a dessert that everyone likes, but did you know that it has properties that help improve your health? Here we present some

We know that a good dessert, light and easy to make is a jelly , there are different flavors and everyone likes it for the same reasons but this food is more than a good dessert for the family, it also has a series of properties that help and benefit to your health in a very effective way.

Health experts believe that the "magic" element gelatin is the gelatin, substance collagen provides vital for some issues of the body, including of course, those that have to do with having a wrinkle – free face, there are more than gelatin can do for your health.

Include gelatin in your diet from time to time, a source of multiple benefits for your body, here are 5 that you may not know and that will change your perception of this food , seen as a simple dessert, but full of benefits that you will want to add to your body.

5 benefits of eating jelly for your health that you did not know. Photo: Pexels

Increases elasticity in the skin . As we already mentioned, gelatin as it contains gelatin is a source of collagen according to experts, 30 percent of this substance goes directly to your skin, which helps it stay firm and strengthens connective tissues.

It helps a good digestion . Gelatin also contains an amino acid called glycine, which stimulates the stomach acid necessary for good digestion and assimilation of nutrients, also its caloric intake is zero, if you are on a diet it is an ideal complement to your diet.

Strengthens joints. Gelatin also has the ability to regenerate cartilage, so it reduces joint inflammation and is recommended when an injury is suffered in one of them.

5 benefits of eating jelly for your health that you did not know. Photo: Pixabay

Improves bone health . Being a source of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon and other minerals, gelatin also helps to rebuild and strengthen the bone system, in adults who need calcium it is highly recommended.

Prevents the appearance of stretch marks . Thanks to its main element, which is collagen, your skin will be free of stretch marks as it provides elasticity not only to your face, but also to other parts where your skin can look flaccid, such as the legs or abdomen. can jelly do for you?