Benefits provided by nopal in addition to controlling your sugar

Benefits provided by nopal in addition to controlling your sugar

Also called a cactus plant, it has properties that help our organisms in various aspects of health, a nopal juice is the best

The nopal is one of the natural products that by itself help various aspects of health, not only is it a rich food that we can enjoy at meals, we can also use it for the benefit of our well-being as it provides many properties to our body.

A nopal juice, for example, has a high content of natural fiber and helps detoxify the body, improve digestion, lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, it is generally highly recommended to control blood sugar, but it can do more for our health.

We share the multiple benefits that the nopal brings to your body and we give you the recipe to consume it in a green juice, the nopal will be an ally in helping you achieve your health goals in a safe and natural way, do not forget that yes you have any discomfort, you should see your doctor.

Control cholesterol . As we already mentioned, nopal helps with triglyceride levels, so the drink is one of the most beneficial for your health, especially in the cardiovascular part.

Promotes weight loss. Since it makes you feel satisfied for a long time, nopal has very few calories and is high in fiber, which will help you maintain a balanced diet.

Benefits provided by the nopal in addition to controlling your sugar. Photo: Unsplash
Benefits provided by the nopal in addition to controlling your sugar. Photo: Unsplash

Improves digestion. The nopal forms a protective layer in the intestine, which reduces the levels of inflammation, relieving even colitis, constipation, distension and stomach pains.

Reduces blood pressure levels. Due to its potassium content, this mineral helps you eliminate excess sodium from the body through urine, which makes it easier to control blood pressure.

Prevents cancer . Its antioxidant compounds such as phenols, flavonoids, vitamin C and vitamin E that protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, experts say that ingesting between 200 to 250 grams of its pulp could help prevent cancer.

To make a juice : boil 2 large pieces of nopal without bones, let them release their juices and then cut them into cubes, add them to the blender with 1 cup of coconut water, 2 oranges and 1 lemon, strain until the pulp of the nopal is removed and then drink the cold juice.